期刊刊名:大葉學報 卷期:10卷2期
關鍵字:simile, metaphor, theme, vehicle, comparison marker,明喻,隱喻,喻體,喻依,喻詞
摘要: This paper explores the similarities and differences between simile and metaphor, the two most common figures of speech in English. Conceded that simile and metaphor are both a figure of comparison which may be extended over a number of sentences, it will be seen in this paper that they differ greatly in their analogical constitution. The metaphoric theme and vehicle are usually more covert than those of a simile. The analogical ground of a simile is normally more explicit than that of a metaphor. A simile always contains a comparison marker, which, by contrast, is invariably absent from a metaphoric expression. In addition, a metaphor is encoded via a segment of discourse, while a simile via a sentence/clause. The metaphoric predication identifies the theme with the vehicle, whereas the simile likens the two. Finally, literal though a simile is, a metaphoric expression always involves nonliteral use of language. In view of all the divergences, this paper suggests that simile and metaphor be treated as two distinct figures rather than being lumped together as one single type of figure of speech.
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