期刊刊名:環境與藝術學刊 卷期:16期
作者:Shuai-Ping Ku
關鍵字:landscape of improvisation, phenomenological experience, spatial formation, Singang Township, walking
摘要: The paper deals with phenomenological experience and narrative possibility in the spatial formation of Singang Township. The discussion and interpretation in this paper could help urban design discipline in terms of place-making and design thinking. By walking through Singang township, taking photos on various places, looking into historical documentary and consulting with design-related literature, the paper tries to explore the possibility of incorporating various design theories with walking experience in the context of township’s time, space, culture and metamorphosis. Special attention will be paid to the interaction between people and townscapes, especially the permutation and combination of places and people during different time periods. The main research method used in the paper is employing walking as an urban design methodology combined with hermeneutic analysis, thus engaging in a multiple understanding of cognitive mapping. This cognitive mapping is essential to urban design’s place-making, and it not only concerns with Kevin Lynch’s perception of cognitive mapping, which represents mainly our physical environment, but also Fredric Jameson’s cognitive mapping, which seems to extend into the reflection of temporal, social and cultural aspects. The study starts with the characteristic investigation of walking and continues by focusing on the experience of walking in the townscape, as well as takes purposeful photos on various specific places, which will later be used as objectives in urban design discipline to conjure related thinking and theory.
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