+ 周秀蓉
勞工退休金給付爭議事件研究-高雄市勞動事件法判決為例=A Study on Controversial Events of Labor Pension Payment--Example of Kaohsiung City Labor Incident Law Judgment周秀蓉,劉祝惠全球商業經營管理學報 15期2009/9/1
探討員工在職教育共好課程方案促進企業永續發展之研究-以餐旅服務業為例=Exploring the Research on the "Gung Ho" Employee Training Course Scheme Promoting Sustainable Development in Enterprises: A Case Study of The Hotel Industry周秀蓉,曾雅雯全球商業經營管理學報 15期2009/9/1
消費者對制度信任、知覺價值、態度、主觀規範對購買意圖的影響─以生產追溯二維條碼(QR CODE)為例=The Effects of Consumers' Institutional Trust, Perceived Value, Attitude and Subjective Norm on Purchase Intention: A Case Study of QR Code for Traceability林謙和,周秀蓉,Chien-Ho Lin, Hsiu-Jung Chou正修學報 34期1998/7/1
資訊隱私顧慮、系統品質、信任與知覺風險對使用意願之影響-以第三方支付為例=The Impacts of Concern for Information Privacy, System Quality, Trust and Perceived Risk on Behavioral Intention--The Case of Third-Party Payment周秀蓉,孫乙甯,何佳蓉,郭珮甄正修學報 32期1998/7/1
人格特質、創業環境與創業資源對創業策略及績效之影響-以青年創業家為例=The Impacts of Personality Traits, Entrepreneurial Environment and Entrepreneurial Resources on Entrepreneurial Strategies and Performance--Take the Young Entrepreneurs as Examples周秀蓉,柯茹庭正修學報 32期1998/7/1