+ 孫嘉玲
Effect of Nasal Surgery on Sleep Improvement in Patients with Nasal Septum Deviation=手術對鼻中膈彎曲病患睡眠之影響陳靜香,林雅慧,周碧玲,邢鴻君,孫嘉玲,Chin-Hsiang Chen,Ya-Hui Lin,Pi-Ling Chou,Hung-Chung Hsing,Jia-Ling Sun健康管理學刊 11卷2期2003/6/1
安寧療護課程對二專在職班護生死亡恐懼與態度之影響=Effect of Hospice Education Program on Fear and Attitude toward Death among Associate Degree of Post-Register Nurse孫嘉玲,顏慶雲,陳施妮,郭素青,陳佩英,黃美瑜元培學報 12期1994/9/1
多媒體教育課程在嚼檳榔族群對嚼檳榔行為及口腔癌篩檢之成效=Effects of the Betel-Nut-Chewing Behavior and Oral Cancer Screen by Multimedia Education Programs among the Betel-Nut-Chewing Group孫嘉玲,余逸嫻,林雨潔,吳素綿,涂雅玲,袁淑玉,羅文硯,呂儀君元培學報 12期1994/9/1