+ 張錫輝
自主學習與教學創新-通識教育的未來展望=Self-Directed Learning and Teaching Innovation: Future Perspectives of General Education張錫輝,His-Hui Chang通識教育與跨域研究 28期2006/10/1
國家文藝政策下的主體化進程-以五o年代文化清潔運動為例=The Process of Subjectification under National Cultural Policies: A Case Study of the Cultural Cleansing Movement in the 1950 s張錫輝,His-Hui Chang通識教育與跨域研究 28期2006/10/1
衰、夢與修身-宋代思想史上《論語.甚矣章》的闡釋及其意義張錫輝通識教學與研究學刊 3期2015/6/1
從高等教育的變革看「生命書寫」課程的設計─一個文化的批判與反思 ="Writing of Life History" and the transition of University Education張錫輝通識教學與研究學刊 1期2015/6/1
現代知識生命的轉折─梁啟超「小說界革命」的思想史意涵=The transition of modern intellectual--Meaning of the intellectual history of liang qi-chao's Novels Revolutionary張錫輝文學新鑰 17期2003/7/1
抵抗與收編—從大眾文化屬性論台灣歌謠的論述實踐=Resistance and Incorporation--A Study on Discourse Practice of Taiwanese Pop Songs from the Attribute of Popular Culture張錫輝文學新鑰 9期2003/7/1
「權力儀式」與「主體生成」-台灣歌謠論述模式的誕生=The Ceremony of Power on the Official Ban System on Songs during Martial Law Period In Terms of Subject Formation張錫輝, 蕭義玲通識教育與跨域研究 7期2006/10/1
一個大眾文化的解讀策略─對台灣歌謠知識論述的考察與省思=One Interpretive Strategy on Popular Culture--Investigation and Introspection over the Knowledge Discourse of Taiwanese Ballads張錫輝通識教育與跨域研究 8期2006/10/1
適應、實現或對話?─儒家傳統對現代性衝擊回應方式的考察=Adaptation, Realization or Dialogue? A Study on the Response Methods of Confucian Tradition towards the Modern Impact張錫輝通識教育與跨域研究 6期2006/10/1
我們為何要讀經典?-論中國近代思想史中的經典話語及其實踐=Classics, Education of Classics, Classics Reading Movement張錫輝通識教育與跨域研究 5期2006/10/1
經典詮釋與技藝:論「游於藝」對經典教育之啟迪 張錫輝通識教育與跨域研究 1卷1期2006/10/1