+ 曾憲嫻
台南市中西區巷弄視覺景觀構成之研究=A Study of Visual Landscape Constitute of Alley in West Central District of Tainan City曾憲嫻,黃杏夙環境與藝術學刊 17期2000/6/1
職業明細圖GIS化應用於都市發展史之研究=The Study on Applying the Maps of Occupation Categories in GIS to Urban Development History陳正哲,曾憲嫻環境與藝術學刊 15期2000/6/1
日本景觀維護的觀念與制度應用於區域性保存之研究=The Research of the Notion and System of Japanese Landscape Conservation Using in Regional Conservation 曾憲嫻文資學報 4期2005/1/1
眺望景觀的手法應用於都市景觀管制之研究=A Study of the Method of View Landscape Used in Urban Landscape Control曾憲嫻,陳柏文環境與藝術學刊 11期2000/6/1
台北市文化創意產業群聚現象之研究─兼論華山創意文化園區執行機制=A Study on Clusters Situation of Cultural & Creative Industries in Taipei and A Discussion on Executive Mechanism of Hwa-Shan Cultural & Creative Industry Park曾憲嫻,蔡依珊環境與藝術學刊 9期2000/6/1
以真實性分類指標建力歷史街區數位典藏展示元素之研究=The Historical Streets Digital Archives Exhibit Element by Authenticity Classify Index曾憲嫻,吳啟邦環境與藝術學刊 8期2000/6/1
臺灣糖廠景觀保存元素之研究-以高雄縣橋仔頭糖廠為例=A Study on the Factors for the Conservation of the Landscape of Sugar Refineries in Taiwan-the Case of Kio-A-Thau Sugar Refinery曾憲嫻,郭桓姍環境與藝術學刊 7期2000/6/1
舊市中心再生計畫之研究─以台南市為例曾憲嫻,呂偉婷,倪佩君環境與藝術學刊 5期2000/6/1