+ 簡靖陽
WiMAX先期系統整合可行性研究=A Pre-study of the Integration of WiMAX System陳家聲,林建宏,張世鈺,簡靖陽黎明學報 22卷2期1983/3/1
交替式返馳轉換器於太陽能系統之應用=Interleaved Flyback Converter Applied to PV System陳宏良,朱仁貴,簡靖陽黎明學報 25卷1期1983/3/1
Enhancement of Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems Using an Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Method=應用交談式模糊滿足法解決配電系統中電容器容量配置問題簡靖陽,林建宏,陳宏良,廖寶華,Ching-Yang Chien, Chien-hung Lin,Hung-Liang Chen, Pao-Hua Liao 黎明學報 24卷2期1983/3/1
Study of Loss Reduction Problem in Distribution Systems by Using Multi-objective Approach=應用多目標規劃法解決配電系統中減少線路損失問題之研究Ching-Yang Chien,Shih-Yu Chang,簡靖陽,張世鈺黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1
DVB-H與3G 整合應用可行性研究=A Pre-study for the Integration of DVB-H and 3G陳家聲,林建宏,張世鈺,簡靖陽黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1