+ 梁大慶
農村社區發展協會組織內部服務志工之參與動機、工作滿意度與忠誠度=Study on Participation Motivation, Working Satisfaction and Loyalty of Local Volunteers Serving for Rural Community Organization梁大慶,蔡昀珈國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷1期1982/6/1
農村社區窳陋空間改善自主營造成功因素之研究=Using AHP on the Successful Factors Examine of Autonomous Landscape Development in Rural Communities 梁大慶國立虎尾科技大學學報 33卷3期1982/6/1
城鄉河川濕地景觀美質之知覺研究-以雲林縣斗南-虎尾鎮近郊河川區段為例=The scenic perception of the river wetland from local country: A case study on the zone of TaliwupiDounan to Huwei township nearby in Yunlin county郭漢鍠,梁大慶,蘇致綱,范植增國立虎尾科技大學學報 33卷1期1982/6/1
農村居民生活幸福感之分析-以虎尾周邊農村為例=Analysis of Happiness of Rural Residents--a Case Study Surrounding Countryside of Hu-Wei Town梁大慶國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷2期1982/6/1
休閒運動對國小二年級學童體適能之影響=A Study of the Effectiveness on Recreational Sport to Health-Related Physical Fitness from Some of the second students of the Elementary School in Yunlin County郭漢鍠,梁大慶,阮炳嵐,李綜哲國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷2期1982/6/1
大樓外側遮陽帷幕存在價值及熱環境分析-以國立虎尾科技大學文理暨管理大樓為例=Thermal Environment Exists Outside ofthe Building Shade Curtain--Case Study of Artsand Management Building,National Formosa University梁大慶,許維芝國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷1期1982/6/1