+ 高知遠
《而蓭詩話》中創作主體之理論內涵及其發用=The Theoretical Connotation and Application of the Creation Subject in “Er Ruo Shi Hua”高知遠,Chih-Yuan Kao文學新鑰 37期2003/7/1
由志敷言,即言見志--龐塏《詩義固說》之理論範型及其思維=From thought produces language, and language directly corresponds to thought--The Theoretical Model and Thinking of Pang Ya's "Shi Yi Gu Shuo"高知遠,Chih-Yuan Kao文學新鑰 36期2003/7/1
《我不是「呷教」的和尚》中再現形象之內在圖景="I am not a monk who eats education" Reproduce the inner picture of the image高知遠,吳子呈,Zhi Yuan Kao, Zicheng Wu文學新鑰 33期2003/7/1
當驟雨來襲-顧德莎《驟雨之島》之主導符碼與敘事結構=When Showers Strike--the Leading Symbols and Narrative Structure of Gu Desha's "The Island of Rain"高知遠,Chih-Yuan Kao文學新鑰 32期2003/7/1
綴文者情動而辭發,觀文者披文以入情─《文心雕龍》「文評論」中「情文相應」之詮釋結構=The Author Writes Articles with Emotions, Readers Experience Feelings with Words--Interpret Structure of the "Literature Mind: Elaborations"高知遠文學新鑰 29期2003/7/1
布施要無相,度生要無我─談《貧僧有話要說》中的超越意識=Alms must Leave No Traces to Help Everyone be Selfless--Transcendence in "The Monk Has Something to Say"高知遠文學新鑰 27期2003/7/1
「志足而言文、情信而辭巧」—《文心雕龍》「樞紐論」中「情文相應」之理論範型=Emotional Respond Form's Theoretical paradigm in Core theory of "The Literature Mind: Elaborations"高知遠彰化師大國文學誌 35期1996/6/1
濁水溪文化的經驗意象-羊牧《吾鄉素描》中的感覺結構=Experience Imagery of Zhuoshexi Culture--「Structure of Feeling」of Yang Mu: 《Sketch My Hometown》高知遠文學新鑰 25期2003/7/1
余秋雨《新文化苦旅》的修訂意識-以「發生論文學批評」作為主要視角=Revision meaning of Yu Qiu Yu:《New Difficult Travel of Culture》--By the Literary Criticism of Occur高知遠文學新鑰 22期2003/7/1
論楊雲萍文藝觀在其詩作上之實踐 高知遠文學前瞻 5期2000/6/1
文化他者的虛構與闡釋─論余秋雨《行者無疆》的組織原則 高知遠文學前瞻 6期2000/6/1