+ Xiaoping Yang
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清代南部县衙门档案俗语词考释六则=Explanations on Six Colloquial Words in the Government Archives of Nanbu County in the Qing Dynasty杨小平,蒋玲玲,Xiaoping Yang, Lingling Jiang平頂山學院學報 38卷4期1986/1/1
论《现代汉语词典》(第7版)删除词条十二则=Analysis of 12 Deleted Entries in Modern Chinese Dictionary(7th Edition)吴晓芬,杨小平,Xiaofen Wu, Xiaoping Yang平頂山學院學報 38卷3期1986/1/1
四川自贡盐业历史档案俗语词考释六则=A Textual Research on Six Colloquial Words in the Historical Archives of Zigong Salt Industry杨小平,王聪,Xiaoping Yang, Cong Wang平頂山學院學報 37卷1期1986/1/1
《清水江文书》俗字考辨六则=Research on Six Common Chinese Characters in Qingshui River Documents倪荣强,杨小平,Rongqiang Ni, Xiaoping Yang平頂山學院學報 36卷3期1986/1/1