+ Ya-Chun Chan
Ya-Chun Chan在資料庫中的所有著作一覽
I HELP校園勞務平台設計與行銷之研究=Research on Design and Marketing of Campus Labor Service Platform樊祖燁,潘博宇,黃瑋婷,林容安,張雅鈞,李唯唯,Tsu-Yeh Fan, Bo-Yu Pan, Wei-Ting Huang, Rong-An Lin, Ya-Chun Chang, Wei-Wei Lee國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷4期1982/6/1
生態取向遊戲治療對學齡前疑似注意力不足過動症兒童之職能治療方案發展與成效探究=The Occupational Therapy Project Development and Effectiveness Investigation of the Ecosystemic Play Therapy for Suspected Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Preschool Children詹雅淳,許育光,Ya-Chun Chan, Yu-Kuang Hsu特殊教育學報 53期1986/6/1