+ 方信雄
南投縣柴油車排氣煙度檢測成效評估=Evaluating Smoke Detection for Diesel Vehicles in Nantou County黃世達,李清華,方信雄,廖靖華,洪基恩科學與工程技術期刊 12卷1期2005/6/1
埔里鎮垃圾車採樣分類與成效評估=Evaluation of Garbage Truck Collection Classification and Effectiveness in Puli Township周義雄,李清華,方信雄,洪基恩,廖靖華科學與工程技術期刊 12卷1期2005/6/1
日月潭觀光區垃圾桶採樣與分類成效評估=Sampling and Sorting Analysis of Trash Cans at Sun Moon Lake方信雄,李清華,余麗婕,張映雯科學與工程技術期刊 10卷2期2005/6/1
廢稻草回收產醣及產醇之研究=The Production of Sugar and Alcohol from Waste Rice Straw廖靖華,李清華,方信雄,洪基恩科學與工程技術期刊 8卷3期2005/6/1
「陳有蘭溪十八重溪匯流處下游」疏濬工程粒狀污染物排放係數推估=Estimation of the Fugitive Dust Emission Factor for Sand-Dredging the Chen-Yu-Lan River, Nantou County, Taiwan李清華,施俊安,方信雄,林明德,林隆儒,秦丘翰科學與工程技術期刊 3卷4期2005/6/1