+ 阮炳嵐
台灣廟宇節慶休憩行為之研究-以台南學甲慈濟宮上白醮謁祖祭典活動為例=Leisure Behavior of Shangbaijiao Festival from Tzu Chi Temple, Syuejia District Tainan Taiwan郭漢鍠,阮炳嵐,鄭玉婷,陳俊次,Han-Hwang Gwo, Ping-Lan Juan, Yu-Ting Cheng, Chun-Tzu Chen國立虎尾科技大學學報 38卷2期1982/6/1
雲林國際偶戲節慶立體導覽手冊在視覺上之影響=An Influence on the Visual Function of the Pop-up Brochure from Yunlin International Puppet Festival郭漢鍠,阮炳嵐,黃聖哲,吳芳旻,Han-Hwang Gwo, Ping-Lan Juan, Sheng-Che Huang, Fang-Min Wu國立虎尾科技大學學報 37卷2期1982/6/1
休閒活動間關聯之研究-以雲林虎尾鎮內單一Pub為例=The Relationship Between Pub Activities and Leisure--A Case Study of Hu-Wei Township in Yunlin County郭漢鍠,阮炳嵐,廖書楷,傅志雄國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷4期1982/6/1
論社區營造休閒遊憩之研究-以台灣雲林縣古坑鄉棋盤社區為例=Study on a Case What Leisure and Recreaction They may be Applied from Ci-Pang Community, Yunlin County in Taiwan郭漢鍠,阮炳嵐, 蔡吉祥,傅志雄國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷1期1982/6/1
休閒運動對國小二年級學童體適能之影響=A Study of the Effectiveness on Recreational Sport to Health-Related Physical Fitness from Some of the second students of the Elementary School in Yunlin County郭漢鍠,梁大慶,阮炳嵐,李綜哲國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷2期1982/6/1
台灣觀賞水族休憩之專門化研究=Study on Recreation Specialization ofthe Aquarium Decoration Activity in Taiwan郭漢鍠,蘇玫碩,阮炳嵐國立虎尾科技大學學報 31卷3期1982/6/1