+ 王士賓
使用者對辦公室空間改造因子滿意度研究=The study on Satisfaction of Users to the Factor of Office Space Renovation施恆慧,吳志富,顏志香,王士賓黎明學報 30卷2期1983/3/1
電腦週邊產品包裝緩衝結構設計之應用模組研究=Application Module of Packaging Buffer Structure Design for Computer Peripheral Products翁能嬌,吳志富,王士賓黎明學報 30卷1期1983/3/1
水火箭之設計與應用=The design and application of water-rocket呂理得,黃正熙,王士賓黎明學報 25卷1期1983/3/1
單體混合式燃料電池之研究=The study of the single hybrid fuel cell劉旭昉,賴全,郭銘駿,袁平,王士賓黎明學報 25卷1期1983/3/1
碳鋼軸件經過感應熱處理後之疲勞測試方法=The test method of fatigue property on carbon-steel after induction heat treatment呂理得,黃正熙,王士賓黎明學報 24卷1期1983/3/1
微量銅於低壓鋁電解電容器用陽極鋁箔之交流電蝕的影響=Effects of Trace Copper on the A.C. Etching of Aluminum Foils for Low Voltage Electrolytic Capacitors 陳學奇,王恩海,賴全,王士賓黎明學報 23卷2期1983/3/1
「實驗設計與分析」電腦輔助學習軟體之開發研究=A Study of Development of Computer-aided Learning Program for the Course of Experimental Design and Analysis 王士賓,黃正熙,鐘世明,陳學奇黎明學報 23卷2期1983/3/1
摩擦攪拌銲接銲接力量的變化 =Variation of Welding Force During Friction Stir Welding 林本源,許儒仲,王士賓黎明學報 23卷2期1983/3/1
應用於產品設計的微電腦彫刻機之研究=A Study of Micro Computer Engraver Applied to Production Design鐘世明,黃正熙,王士賓黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1
Determination of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Titanium Thin Film=鈦薄膜的熱膨脹係數之萃取Feng-Yuan Chen,Rwei-Ching Chang,Ming-Jun Kuo,Shih-Bin Wang,陳?元,張瑞慶,郭銘駿,王士賓黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1
黎明技術學院產品設計之課程規劃研究=A Study of Curriculum Project for Product Design in Lee Ming Institute of Technology黃正熙,鐘世明,王士賓,郭銘駿黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1