+ 譚偉恩
科技對國際合作之影響:以區塊鏈科技應用於暖化治理為例=The Influence of Technology on International Cooperation: A Case Study of Using Blockchain Technology in Warming Governance譚偉恩,Wei-En Tan國際與公共事務 15期2015/7/1
新冠疫情發生前與爆發後的台美中三邊關係:以結構現實主義及社會建構論進行分析=The Trilateral Relationship between Taiwan, the US and China before and after the Breakout of COVID-19 Pandemic: Analyze with Structural Realism and Social Constructivism譚偉恩,Wei-En Tan國際與公共事務 14期2015/7/1
邦交與斷交之外交關係研究:以2016~2019年的台灣及其實踐為例=The Study into Establishing Diplomatic Ties and Breaking off Diplomatic Relations: The Case Studies of Taiwan's Practice between 2016-2019譚偉恩國際與公共事務 11期2015/7/1
國際貿易制度公允性之研究:以拉美國家主動使用WTO/DSM為例=Examining the Fairness of International Trade Institution: The Case Studies of Latin American Countries through Their Proactive Participations in the WTO/DSM譚偉恩國際與公共事務 9期2015/7/1
邊界衝突對國家貿易往來之影響:以印度和中國為例=The Impact of Border Disputes on Trade between Neighboring Countries: A Study of India and China譚偉恩國際與公共事務 7期2015/7/1
人類安全的虛偽性:以中型國家在治理人口販運上的實踐為例=The Hypocrisy of Human Security: The Study on the Governance of Human Trafficking in the Middle Powers譚偉恩國際與公共事務 4期2015/7/1