+ 王文仁
台灣中南部某國立科技大學管理學院學生對英語畢業門檻及其配套措施之態度=College of Management (CoM) Students' Attitudes toward the English Graduation Threshold (EGT) and Its Supplementary Policies at a National Technical University in Mid-Southern Taiwan王清煌,王文仁,陳冠傑,潘柔伊,崔澔,蔡光咸,陳正哲,林武正,吳天佑 國立虎尾科技大學學報 33卷3期1982/6/1
台灣中南部某國立科大應外系學生對英語畢業門檻的反應與態度=AFL Majors' Responses to and Attitudes toward EGT at a National Technical University in the Mid-South of Taiwan王清煌,王文仁,徐聖軒,蔡侑錚,陳昱帆,黃宣維,林逸哲,魏福龍,吳天佑國立虎尾科技大學學報 33卷1期1982/6/1
Grammar-Related e-Picture-Book Creating (GRePBC) in an English Grammar Course=英文文法課的文法e繪本創作王清煌,約翰.阿姆斯壯,吳偉西,溫瀅雅,王文仁,Ching-Huang Wang, John Armstrong, Wei-Shi Wu, Ying-Ya Wen, Wen-Jen Wang國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷4期1982/6/1
以「現代」為名:錢基博及其《現代中國文學史》=Named as "modern": Qian, Ji-Bo and his History of Modern Chinese Literature王文仁文學新鑰 20期2003/7/1
生命教育與教育讀書療法融入文學課程-以「進階英文」課程為例=Life Education and Educational Bibliotherapy in an Advanced English Reading Course王文仁,王清煌,陳鳳雀,周玉珠國立虎尾科技大學學報 32卷2期1982/6/1
魏晉玄風下的喪葬風貌=Burial Custom in Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties in the Wave of Metaphysics王妙純, 王文仁,周玉珠, 蕭雅玲國立虎尾科技大學學報 30卷2期1982/6/1
失鄉賦曲-顏崑陽及其散文中的鄉土認同=Ballad of Lost of Homeland Kuen-yang Yan and the territory identification in his prose王文仁, 周玉珠國立虎尾科技大學學報 30卷2期1982/6/1
視覺時代的不可承受之「輕」-畢飛宇及其小說《推拿》=The unacceptable lightness of the visual epic--Fei-yu Pi and the novel Knead王文仁國立虎尾科技大學學報 29卷4期1982/6/1
藝術的「具體關係」─阿城及其小說〈棋王〉="The Embodiment of Relationship" of art: A Cheng and his novel "Chess King"王文仁文學新鑰 8期2003/7/1
從《剪燈新話》到《雨月物語》--中日文學的比較研究 王文仁文學前瞻 4期2000/6/1