+ 陳政揚
從「乘物遊心」到「天人合一」-論莊子的生命教育觀=From "Realizing Spiritual Freedom and Liberation by Controlling the Laws of Nature" to "Pursuing Harmony between Man and Nature"--A Discussion on the Life Education View of Zhuang Zhou陳政揚,Cheng-Yang Chen揭諦 45期1997/6/1
《北溪字義》與《孟子字義疏證》「性」概念論析=An Analysis on the Concepts of "Human Nature" in Bei Xi Zi Yi and Mencius: Explorations in Words and Meaning陳政揚,Cheng-Yang Chen揭諦 42期1997/6/1
《正蒙釋》中的氣有生滅之爭-從朱熹、高攀龍、徐必達與王夫之詮釋論起=The Dispute Concerning Qi Transformation Is Neither-arising-nor-ceasing in the "Commentary of the Zhengmeng": Differences between Chu Hsi, Gao Pan Long, Xu Bi Da, and Wang Fuzhi's Interpretation of Zheng Meng陳政揚揭諦 30期1997/6/1
張載「致學成聖」說析論=A Commentary toward Zhang-zai's Zhi-Xue-Cheng-Sheng Theory陳政揚揭諦 19期1997/6/1
論生命的有待與超拔-以莊子「形」概念為中心=Discussion of Expectation toward Life and over it--under Zhuang-zi's Visual shape concept陳政揚揭諦 16期1997/6/1
論「白馬非馬」在先秦哲學中的發展-以儒、道、名、墨四家思想為例 陳政揚揭諦 6期1997/6/1
孟子與莊子「命」論研究 陳政揚揭諦 8期1997/6/1
生命教育的儒學關懷-以張載生死觀為中心 陳政揚揭諦 10期1997/6/1
張載對孟子人性論的承繼與開展 陳政揚揭諦 12期1997/6/1