篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 卷期 | 出版年份 |
中國瓷器拍賣市場的定價模型=Pricing Model of the Chinese Porcelain Auction Market | 楊宇展,黃瓊玉,張鐸瀚,Yu-Zhang Yang, Chiung-Yu Huang, To-Han Chang | 文創產業經營管理論叢 | 1卷2期 | 2024/6/1 |
5-甲氧基水杨醛缩3-羟基-2-萘甲酰肼席夫碱的合成及其荧旋光性质研究=Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of 5-methoxysalicylaldehyde 3-hydroxy-2-naphthylhydrazine Schiff Base | 潘自红,刘巧茹,胡飞宇,曹可生,Zihong Pan, Qiaoru Liu, Feiyu Hu, Kesheng Cao | 平頂山學院學報 | 38卷5期 | 1986/1/1 |
臺灣廟會活動中南管系統文陣器樂曲曲目探討=The Investigation of the Instrumental Repertoire of Wen-zhen in Nanguan System in Taiwanese Temple Fairs | 黃玲玉,Lin-Yu Huang | 南藝學報 | 24期 | 2010/12/1 |
不同的培養裝置對紫色桿菌素生產的效益評估=Evaluation of the Benefit of Different Devices for the Production of Violacein | 蕭蓉禎,洪宇酉,Rong-Jen Shiau, Yu-Yu Hung | 科學與工程技術期刊 | 18卷1期 | 2005/6/1 |
國小注意力缺陷過動症學生、學習障礙伴隨注意力缺陷過動症問題學生與一般學生在魏氏兒童智力量表第五版(WISC-V)表現差異之探討=A Study on the Characteristics of WISC-V for Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders & Specific Learning Disabilities/ADHD | 胡瑀,孟瑛如,Yu Hu, Ying-Ru Meng | 特殊教育學報 | 54期 | 1986/6/1 |
Application of Interactive Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming to Aggregate Production Planning Decisions=互動式模糊多目標線性規劃於整體生產計劃決策之應用 | Tien-Fu Liang, Ming-Hsun Lee, Bo-Yan Zhu, Hong-Yu Huang, Min-Ting Liu, Han-Mei Hu,梁添富,李銘薰,朱柏諺,黃泓諭,劉旻廷,胡涵媚 | 修平學報 | 39期 | 2000/9/1 |
Facile and reliable method for fabricating tilted microlens array=穩健可靠的傾斜微透鏡陣列創新製程 | Shih-Yu Hung, Ming-Ho Shen,洪仕育,沈明河 | 南開學報 | 15卷1期 | 2003/9/1 |
Analytic study on a singularity interacting with a semi-infinite interfacial crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial=奇異點負荷與含半無窮界面裂紋壓電雙材料之交互作用解析研究 | Ming-Ho Shen, Shih-Yu Hung, Shih-Nung Chen,沈明河,洪仕育,陳世濃 | 南開學報 | 15卷1期 | 2003/9/1 |