+ 陳玉婷
國小二年級教師品格教育課程實踐之個案研究=A Case Study on a Second Grade Teacher's Curriculum Implementation of Character Education in an Elementary School鄭亞倩,陳玉婷國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷4期1982/6/1
幼兒越南童謠教材研發與其適用性之研究=A Study on the Development and Appropriateness of the Teaching Materials of Vietnamese Children's Songs for Young Children龍湘庭,陳玉婷,林子文,黃馨儀幼兒教育研究 8期2009/6/1
繪本融入幼兒園品格教育之行動研究=The Infusion of Picture Books in Character Education in a Kindergarten: Action Research朱碧蓮,陳玉婷幼兒教育研究 7期2009/6/1
幼兒教師的休閒運動參與動機、休閒效益、自由時間管理與生活品質之研究=A Study on Early Childhood Teachers' Motivation of Participating in Recreational Sports, Leisure Benefit, Free Time Management, and Quality of Life郭進財,陳玉婷幼兒教育研究 4期2009/6/1
多媒體交互表徵教材建置與評估=Develop and Evaluate the Multimedia Reciprocal Representation Instructional Materials 陳玉婷,蔡明法南台學報 35卷2期1979/12/1
幼兒體能活動參與項目、休閒效益與行為發展之研究—以臺北市幼兒家長為例=A Study of Young Children's Participation in Physical Activity Items, Leisure Efficiency, and Behavioral Development from the Perspective of Young Children's Parents in Taipei City郭進財,陳玉婷幼兒教育研究 3期2009/6/1
戈登幼兒音樂課程之協同行動研究=Teaching Young Children Music with Gordon's Music Teaching Approach: Collaborative Action Research陳玉婷幼兒教育研究 3期2009/6/1
鄒族幼兒天然災害課程之行動研究=An Action Research Study on Teaching Tsou Young Children about Natural Disaster陳玉婷,鄭孟斐幼兒教育研究 2期2009/6/1