+ 楊英賢
產品結構的設計策略與生態系統創新能力之搭配對組織經營績效之影響=The Effect on Organization Operating Performance of the Collocation of Product Architecture Design Strategies and Ecosystem Innovation Capabilities楊英賢,葉郁筳,蔡進發,林怡君,Ing-Shane Yung, Yu-Ting Yeh, Chin-Fa Tsai, Yi-Jyun Lin管理科學研究 15卷2期2003/12/1
生態系統創新能力建構之研究-以電動機車領導廠商Gogoro個案為例=Research on the Construction of Ecosystem Innovation capabilities: The case of Gogoro, a leading manufacturer of electric locomotives楊英賢,林柏年,陳昱安,Ing-Shane Yung, Bo-Nian Lin, Yu-An Chen管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
企業主導產品結構設計的組織創新與組織間互動管理模式=Organizational Innovation and Inter-Organizational Interactive Management Model of Enterprise Leading Product Architecture Design楊英賢,李鴻文,洪松田,簡子濤,梁懷仁管理科學研究 13卷2期2003/12/1
以資源基礎觀點探討中華郵政核心能力的建構=Resource Based Perspective of Chunghwa Post's Core Competence Construction 楊英賢,周宗暉,葉郁筳 管理科學研究 12卷1期2003/12/1
台灣醫療保健食品廠商行銷4P之分析-以中草藥市場的綠豆癀生產廠商為例=Analysis of Marketing 4P of Taiwan Healthcare Food Manufacturers--Take the Example of a Mungbean producer in the Chinese Herbal Medicine楊英賢,林文泉,林柏年經營管理論叢 13卷1期2005/6/1
產品結構之動態觀點與企業組織能力搭配之研究-以日系H公司開發光學讀寫頭為例=A Study of The Relationship Between Product Architecture and Organizational Capabilities Using Dynamic Approach--A Case of The Japanese H Company楊英賢,潘佳駿,林柏年經營管理論叢 13卷1期2005/6/1
建構跨組織間組織能力磨合的新經營模式-以「中聯油脂股份有限公司」為例=Understanding Firms' Engagement of Interorganizational Competence--A Case Study of Central Union Oil Corp楊英賢,鄭雅升,陳貽斌,林廉凱經營管理論叢特刊 4期(2011)2005/12/1
經營結構變化與企業競爭行動之選擇-以台灣主機板產業為例=The Change of Business Architecture and the Choice of Interfirm Competitive Conduct--The Case of Taiwan Motherboard Industry楊英賢,范聖杰經營管理論叢特刊 3期(2009)2005/12/1