+ Hsin-Kuang Chi
Hsin-Kuang Chi在資料庫中的所有著作一覽
探討服務品質、體驗行銷、購買意願對再購意願的影響-以3C產業為例=The Effect of Service Quality, Experiential Marketing, Purchase Intention and Repurchase Intention--A Case Study of 3C Industry紀信光,蘇敬軒,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Vincent Soo Ming Xuan管理科學研究 15卷1期2003/12/1
探討健康認知、生活型態、飲食行為對購買意願的影響-以健康餐為例=The Study of the Influence of Health Awareness, Lifestyle, and Dietary Behavior on Purchase Intention--A Case Study of Healthy Meal紀信光,戴潔琳,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Jie-Ling Tay管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
消費者的知覺易用性、使用態度對使用意願之影響-便利性為干擾變數=Customer's Perceived Ease Of Use, Attitude Toward Using on Usage Intention: Moderating Effect of Convenience紀信光,蘇鈿軒,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Franco Soo Zhi Xuan管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
探討智慧型手機之產品特性、品牌形象、網路口碑與購買意願之影響-以Iphone為例=A Study Discuss the Impact of Smartphone, Product Characteristic, Brand Image, Internet-Word of Mouth and Purchase Intention-Taking Iphone as an example紀信光,陳皓楦,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Hao-Xuan Chen管理科學研究 14卷1期2003/12/1
The Study of Brand Image, Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention with Customer Online Review as Moderating Effect: Research on the Baking Industry in Malaysia=品牌形象、品牌忠誠度、購買意願及網絡評價為干擾變數之關係-以馬來西亞烘焙產業為例Hsin-Kuang Chi,Zhi-Hai Peng,紀信光,彭志海管理科學研究 14卷1期2003/12/1
Does Salary Matter? Role of Salary in the Effects of Corporate Image on Organization Attraction=薪資重要嗎?探討薪資如何調節企業形象對組織吸引力之影響Hsin-Kuang Chi, Yu-Cheng Shih, Yan-Ting Lai 管理科學研究 11卷1期2003/12/1