+ 林志鈞
遊客之遊憩體驗、景觀偏好對注意力恢復之影響:以溪頭森林遊樂區為例=The Effects of Tourists Recreation Experience and Landscape Preference on Attention Restoration: A Case Study of Xitou Forest Recreation Area林志鈞,林宛儒,林彥廷全球商業經營管理學報 15期2009/9/1
實施融合教育後教保服務人員之專業承諾、角色知覺與親師溝通對教學效能的影響=The Influence of Preschool Educators' Professional Commitment, Role Perception and Parent-Teacher Communication on Teaching Efficiency by Implementing Inclusive Education林志鈞,陳怡憓全球商業經營管理學報 14期2009/9/1
運用灰預測GM(1, 1) 探討新南向政策國家來臺旅客人數、停留天數、觀光外匯收入及飽和點=A Study of Using Grey Prediction GM(1, 1) in Forecasting Tourists, Length of Stay, Tourism Receipts and Maximum Capacity: A Case of New Southbound Policy's Countries林志鈞,游茹貽育達科大學報 48期2004/5/1
應用灰預測GM(1, 1)預測臺灣國際觀光旅館員工人數、平均產值、薪資及從業人員飽和點=A Study of Using Grey Prediction GM(1,1) inForecasting Headcount, Average Output Value, Salary and Maximum Capacity of Practitioners: A Case of International Tourist Hotel in Taiwan林志鈞,熊季芳育達科大學報 47期2004/5/1
市民農園體驗者之新奇追求、自覺健康對持續涉入之關係-體驗價值之中介效果=A Study on the Relationships between Novelty Seeking and Self-perceived Health to Continuous Involvement of the City Farm Participants--The Mediation of Experience Value林志鈞,葉怡貞環球科技人文學刊 24期2005/3/1
新住民母親的教養態度、親子關係、親職壓力對親職效能之探討─以桃園市公立幼兒園為例=A Study on the Relationships among the New-Immigrants' Parenting Attitude, Parent-child Relationship and Parenting Stress to Parenting Efficiency--A Case of Public Preschools in Taoyuan林志鈞,王歆雅正修通識教育學報 15期2004/6/1
新北市退休教師休閒參與、老化態度、社會支持對生命意義之影響=The Effects of Leisure Participation, Attitude toward Aging and Social Support to the Meaning of Life for Retired Teachers in New Taipei City 林志鈞,葉嘉文全球商業經營管理學報 10期2009/9/1
學校協力發展特色型態、社區意識、社區資源價值認知對教師社區參與之研究=A Study on the Relationships among the Collaboration of School and Community to Develop Characteristics, Sense of Community and Cognitive Value of Community Recourses to Teachers' Community Participation林志鈞,吳淑敏,李欣如育達科大學報 44期2004/5/1
登山健行者戶外遊憩體驗、遊憩衝突、休閒涉入與地方依戀之關係-以大坑登山步道為例=A Study on the Relationships among Outdoor Recreation Experience, Recreation Conflict, Leisure Involvement and Place Attachment of Mountain Hikers--A Case of Dakeng Hiking Trails林志鈞,孫淑芬育達科大學報 43期2004/5/1
應用灰預測GM (1, 1)預測客房與餐飲占營業收入比例、營業收入及稅前利潤-以臺灣國際觀光旅館為例=A Study of Using Grey Prediction GM (1, 1) in Forecasting Revenue Rate of Room / Food & Beverage, Operating Revenue and Profit before Tax--A Case of International Tourist Hotel in Taiwan謝盈如,林志鈞南榮學報 19期2009/5/1
臺灣民宿顧客住宿動機、住宿體驗與網路口碑之關係-以Airbnb為例=A Study of the Relationships among Customers' Lodging Motivation, Lodging Experience and the Electronic Word-of-Mouth: A Case Study of Renting Out Lodging Platform "Airbnb"林志鈞,戴瑞芬育達科大學報 42期2004/5/1
路跑運動參與者參與動機、遊憩專業化與流暢體驗之研究=A Study of the Relationships among Participation Motivation, Recreation Specialization and Flow Experience in the Road Running Participants林志鈞,湯和展興國學報 16期2002/7/1
銀髮族參與休閒活動型態、休閒涉入及休閒效益對成功老化之關係=A Study on the Relationships among the Types of Leisure Activity, Leisure Involvement and Leisure Benefits to Seniors' Successful Aging林志鈞,江慧欣育達科大學報 40期2004/5/1
高中童軍大露營參與者動機、知覺價值、滿意度與再參與意願之研究=A Study on Motivation, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Re-Participation Intention of the High School Scout Jamboree林志鈞,賀楚彎人文暨社會科學期刊 10卷1期2005/6/1
中式白酒成分、口感及消費者行為之分析=A Study of the Relationships among the Composition and Sensory Evaluation of Chinese Spirits and Consumer Behavior林志鈞,張德明,謝建元,李秉真人文暨社會科學期刊 2卷2期2005/6/1
紅葡萄酒成份對消費者喜好性之影響=A Study of Consumers' Preferences for Red Wines of Different Compositions林志鈞,謝建元,張德明,陳芊岑,賴舜堂科學與工程技術期刊 2卷2期2005/6/1