+ XU
平顶山市农旅产业融合水平测度及提升路径研究=Research on the Measurement and Improving Path of the Integration of Agriculture and Tourism Industry in Pingdingshan City鲁迪,吴楠楠,牛利康,左玉川,郑徐艺颖,Di Lu, Nannan Wu, Likang Niu, Yuchuan Zuo, Yiying Zheng-Xu平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
媒体关注对企业环境信息披露的影响研究=Research on the Influence of Media Attention on Information Disclosure of Enterprise Environment姜海锋,唐亮,薛九洋,Haifeng Jiang, Liang Tang, Jiuyang Xue平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
交流电电解制备NiO-Ni(OH)₂/石墨片及其电性能研究=Preparation and Electrical Property of NiO-Ni(OH)₂/Graphite Flakes by Alternating Current Electrolysis孙开莲,杨雯婷,曹婷,王璇,毛倩倩,Kailian Sun, Wenting Yang, Ting Cao, Xuan Wang, Qianqian Mao平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
稳定映射芽的分类=Classification of Stable Mapping Buds张晓雪,Xiaoxue Zhang平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
饶应祺事迹考=Research on Rao Yingqi's Deeds许会娟,Huijuan Xu平頂山學院學報 38卷3期1986/1/1
水热法合成Ag掺杂Bi₂WO₆光催化剂及其性能研究=Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance Research of Ag-doped Bi₂WO₆王俊海,李国龙,陈姚,李雅静,许明智,Junhai Wang, Guolong Li, Yao Chen, Yajing Li, Mingzhi Xu平頂山學院學報 38卷2期1986/1/1
基于概率神经网络的电力设备铭牌文本识别=Character Recognition of Electric Power Equipment Nameplate Based on Probabilistic Neural Network杨丽,张硕,薛亚许,杨光,Li Yang, Shuo Zhang, Yaxu Xue, Guang Yang平頂山學院學報 38卷2期1986/1/1
《荀子》中所见陶冶书写及其礼学意蕴=Pottery Writing and Its Ritual Implication in Xunzi路学军,Xuejunn Lu平頂山學院學報 38卷1期1986/1/1
跨領域學習經驗對工业设计系學生學習成效之影響研究=Research on the Impact of Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences on the Learning Outcomes of Industrial Design Students吳志富,許丹丹,劉孟傑,陳聞啟,Chih-Fu Wu, Dan-Dan Xu, Meng-Chieh Liu, Wen-Chi Chen黎明學報 34卷1期1983/3/1
随机利率条件下基于实物期权法的企业并购价值评估=Evaluation of M&A Value Based on Real Option Method under Stochastic Interest Rate李旭珂,石静,Xuke Li,Jing Shi平頂山學院學報 37卷5期1986/1/1
國際收支自動調節機制的區域經濟一體化驗證=Verification of Regional Economic Integration of the Balance of Payments Automatic Adjustment Mechanism楊國樑,江雅軒,Grant G.L. Yang, Ya-Xuan Jiang正修學報 35期1998/7/1
陶瓷牙材裂縫修補最佳製程與抑菌檢測=On Antibacterial Procedures for Ceramic Tooth Crack-Repairing賴峯民,巫佩軒,Feng-Ming Lai, Pei-Xuan Wu科學與工程技術期刊 19卷2期2005/6/1
3D列印多孔性Ti6Al4V之真空鍍膜與生物相容性檢測=Three-Dimensional-Printed Porous Titanium Alloys for Vacuum Coating and Biocompatibility Testing賴峯民,巫佩軒,楊馥瑄,Feng-Min Lai, Pei-Xuan Wu, Fu-Hsuan Yang科學與工程技術期刊 19卷1期2005/6/1
新媒体时代高校网络安全教育问题及对策研究=Research on Network Security Education in Universities in the New Media Era孙亚南,徐元杰,Yanan Sun, Yuanjie Xu平頂山學院學報 37卷4期1986/1/1
从日本内阁文库藏叶宪祖杂剧看南杂剧之新变=New Changes in Southern Dramas by Analyzing the Collection of Ye Xianzu's Dramas Stored in the Japanese Cabinet隋雪纯,Xuechun Sui 平頂山學院學報 37卷4期1986/1/1
中华人民共和国成立初期工业化成就融入《中国近现代史纲要》课教学研究=Research on Integrating the Achievements of Industrialization in the Early Days of the Founding of the People's Republic of China into the Teaching of "Outline of Chinese Modern History"徐鹏,Peng Xu平頂山學院學報 37卷3期1986/1/1
中国共产党百年继续教育历程、特点及启示=The Course,Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Communist Party of China's Centennial Continuing Education梁家贵,蒲学红,Jiagui Liang, Xuehong Pu平頂山學院學報 37卷3期1986/1/1
丹参主根和须根中主要酚酸类成分的分析=Analysis of the Main Phenolic Components in the Main and Fibrous Roots of Salviae miltiorrhizae赵玉雪,Yuxue Zhao平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
基于改进ORB算法的特征点匹配=Feature Point Matching Based on Improved ORB Algorithm胡志锋,许钢,陈玲,伏娜娜,Zhifeng Hu, Gang Xu, Ling Chen, Na'na Fu平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
含五次非线性项的Schr?dinger方程的多辛算法=Multi-symplectic Algorithm for Schr?dinger Equation with Quintic Nonlinear Term徐金平,陈特清,Jinping Xu,Teqing Chen平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
四川省南部县新见宋代买地券浅析=A Study on Land Deeds in Nanbu County of Sichuan Province in the Song Dynasty姜同绚,杨磊,Tongxuan Jiang,Lei Yang平頂山學院學報 37卷1期1986/1/1
伟大建党精神与中国革命文化=The Great Founding Spirit of the Party and Chinese Revolutionary Culture李元旭,蒋伟琳,Yuanxu Li, Weilin Jiang平頂山學院學報 37卷1期1986/1/1
核心自我评价对手机依赖的影响:无聊倾向、消极应对方式的并列中介作用=On the Influence of Core Self-evaluation on Mobile Phone Dependence:The Juxtaposing Effects of Boredom Tendency and Negative Coping Style刘香华,林若汾,蒲敏,陈金萍,徐含笑,Xianghua Liu, Ruofen Lin, Min Pu, Jinping Chen, Hanxiao Xu平頂山學院學報 36卷6期1986/1/1
《习近平谈治国理政》海外畅销的意义探析=On the Significance of Overseas Good Selling of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China赵志勋,Zhixun Zhao平頂山學院學報 36卷6期1986/1/1
习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的科学内涵及历史地位=On Scientific Connotation and Historical Status of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics For a New Era许青云,Qingyun Xu平頂山學院學報 36卷6期1986/1/1
探討服務品質、體驗行銷、購買意願對再購意願的影響-以3C產業為例=The Effect of Service Quality, Experiential Marketing, Purchase Intention and Repurchase Intention--A Case Study of 3C Industry紀信光,蘇敬軒,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Vincent Soo Ming Xuan管理科學研究 15卷1期2003/12/1
消費者的知覺易用性、使用態度對使用意願之影響-便利性為干擾變數=Customer's Perceived Ease Of Use, Attitude Toward Using on Usage Intention: Moderating Effect of Convenience紀信光,蘇鈿軒,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Franco Soo Zhi Xuan管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
探討智慧型手機之產品特性、品牌形象、網路口碑與購買意願之影響-以Iphone為例=A Study Discuss the Impact of Smartphone, Product Characteristic, Brand Image, Internet-Word of Mouth and Purchase Intention-Taking Iphone as an example紀信光,陳皓楦,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Hao-Xuan Chen管理科學研究 14卷1期2003/12/1
EFL Learners' Attitudes toward the Use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)=行動科技輔助語言學習(MALL):學習者的態度與看法探討Ming-Yueh Shen, Zhi-Ying Lin, Fang-Yi Lee, Yi-Hsuan Lai, Xuan-Yi Dai, Cai-Wun Su,沈明月,林芝瑩,李芳儀,賴怡瑄,戴瑄儀,蘇采汶國立虎尾科技大學學報 36卷2期1982/6/1
基于改进CNN的文本情感分析=Study on the Text Sentiment Analysis Based on Improved CNN何野,杨会成,潘玥,徐姝琪,Ye He, Huicheng Yang, Yue Pan, Shuqi Xu平頂山學院學報 36卷5期1986/1/1
自尊对大学生生命意义感的影响:正性情绪的中介作用=The Influence of Self-esteem on College Students' Sense of Meaning in Life: The Intermediary Role of Positive Emotion林良章,杨瑞霞,陈靖怡,陈丽萱,张杨煜,陈津津,Liangzhang Lin, Ruixia Yang, Jingyi Chen, Lixuan Chen, Yangyu Zhang, Jinjin Chen平頂山學院學報 36卷3期1986/1/1
基于噪声处理的网络搜索和QCR-HHT模型的九寨沟客流量预测=Tourist Flow Forecasting in Jiuzhaigou Valley Based on the Search Engine with Denoising and QCR-HHT Model李晓炫,吴奇,Xiaoxuan Li, Qi Wu平頂山學院學報 36卷2期1986/1/1
环氧树脂/活性炭复合材料的力学与隔声性能=Mechanical and Sound Insulation Properties of Epoxy/Activated Carbon Composites施雪军,闫荣学,杜祥祥,曹可生,Xuejun Shi, Rongxue Yan, Xiangxiang Du, Kesheng Cao平頂山學院學報 36卷2期1986/1/1
中國大陸諮商師非性雙重關係倫理態度與倫理行為之調查研究=A Survey of the Ethical Attitudes and Ethical Behaviors of Non-sexual Dual Relationships of Counselors in Mainland China田廣曉,王智弘,楊淳斐,陳增堂,劉純姣,徐凱文,安芹,張勻銘,Guang-Xiao Tian, Chih-Hung Wang, Chun-Feei Yang, Zeng-Tang Chen, Chun-Jiao Liu, Kai-Wen Xu, Qin An, Yun-Ming Chang輔導與諮商學報 42卷2期2005/5/1
An Analysis of the Way of Struggle in Ashes to Ashes=分析《歸於塵土》的抗爭模式XU, Jian,許健明道學術論壇 12卷1期2005/9/1
American Liberalism inside "United States Declaration of Independence"=從《獨立宣言》看美國的自由思想李敏智,施浚龍,許順發, Min-Chih Lee, Jiunn-Lung Shih, Shun-Fa Xu中州管理與人文科學學刊 2卷2期2011/3/1
Horizontal Input-Output Structure and Price Stickiness: Output Persistence and Inflation Inertia Under Monetary Shocks Hexiang Xue管理科學與統計決策 7卷2期2004/12/1
X Charts with Asymmetric Sampling Intervals for Defecting Asymmetric LossesBao-cai Guo,Bing Xu管理科學與統計決策 7卷2期2004/12/1
Estimation of Efficiency and Varying-Elasticity with DEA ModelShangfeng Zhang,Bing Xu,Shiyuan Qu,Wei Jia管理科學與統計決策 7卷2期2004/12/1
Musical Instrument Audio Identification Based on Kernel Logistic RegressionZunxiong Liu,Jinfeng Xu管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
Weekend Effect and Herding Behavior: A Case Study of Chinese Stock MarketWentao Gu, Bing Xu管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
A Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Grooming of Dynamic Traffic in Tree and Star Networks with BifurcationKun-hong Liu,Yong Xu管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
The Effects of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Roles of Customer Participation=體驗行銷對顧客滿意之影響:顧客參與之中介角色楊豐華,蔡侑勳,沈佳儀,Feng-Hua Yang,You-Xun Cai,Jia-Yi Shen經營管理論叢 9卷2期2005/6/1
Reducing industrial emissions: evidence of China 2006-2010Bing Xu , Yunyue Gao管理科學與統計決策 7卷3期2004/12/1
A Study of Verb Errors Committed in Written English by Chinese College Students in Taiwan=科大生英語寫作動詞錯誤分析與探究LIXUE ZHUANG,莊麗雪人文暨社會科學期刊 7卷1期2005/6/1
Deep Ultraviolet-Assisted Photo-Electro-Chemical Wet Etching of N-Type GaN=以深紫外線輔助對N型氮化鎵做光電化學濕式蝕刻JUN-DAR HWANG,GWO-HUEI YANG,NAI-WEI XU,YOU-XIN GUO,ZHENG-HONG ZHANG,RONG-YUAN LI ,CHIEN-MAO CHAN,黃俊達,楊國輝,許乃偉,郭侑鑫,張正弘,李容原,詹前茂科學與工程技術期刊 3卷3期2005/6/1