+ Lin
大學生參與互動式線上設計思考工作坊對創新學習之成效-以台灣南部某大學為例=The Impact of Innovative Learning of University Students Participating in Interactive Online Design Thinking Workshop: A Case Study in One University at Sothern Taiwan葉月嬌,林俊宏,Yueh-Chiao Yeh, Jun-Hong Lin通識教育與跨域研究 28期2006/10/1
從社區能力的觀點探究地方創生實踐以鹿港囝仔為例=A Study of Regional Revitalization Practice from the Perspectives of Community Capacity: Taken "the Kids from Lukang" for Example林宗儒,張德永,Jzung-lu Lin, Te-Yung Chung通識教育與跨域研究 28期2006/10/1
當NFT已死之後再次回顧科技藝術去中心化的思考—以夢回數位孿生之詩與快按右鍵另存展覽為例=After NFTs Have Died: Revisiting the Decentralization of Tech Art--Through the Lens of 'Dreaming of Digital Twins' and the 'Right-click to Save As' Exhibition羅禾淋,He-Lin Luo南藝學報 27期2010/12/1
基于轻量化模型和迁移学习的花卉识别=Study on Flower Recognition Based on Lightweight Model and Transfer Learning王军敏,林辉,Junmin Wang, Hui Lin平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
时间分数阶对流扩散方程的有限点法分析=Analysis of the Finite Point Method for the Time Fractional Convection-diffusion Equation陈有玲,Youling Chen平頂山學院學報 38卷5期1986/1/1
大学生手机成瘾倾向与负性生活事件、社会支持的关系研究=Research on the Relationship between College Students' Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency, Negative Life Events and Social Support孔令丽,Lingli Kong平頂山學院學報 38卷4期1986/1/1
高校学前教育专业学生自我关怀能力现状调查与分析=Investigation and Analysis on Self-Compassion of College Students in Preschool Education Major林娜,康雅莹,Na Lin, Yaying Kang平頂山學院學報 38卷4期1986/1/1
清代南部县衙门档案俗语词考释六则=Explanations on Six Colloquial Words in the Government Archives of Nanbu County in the Qing Dynasty杨小平,蒋玲玲,Xiaoping Yang, Lingling Jiang平頂山學院學報 38卷4期1986/1/1
應用移動平均方法建構臺鐵縱貫線貨運量預測模式=Freight Forecasting Model Development with Moving Average Method for the Main Line of Taiwan Railway李穎,林沐恩,Ying Lee, Mu-En Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 38卷1期1982/6/1
新冠疫情前後的台灣期貨市場避險績效之研究=A Study on the Hedge Performance of Futures Before and After COVID19 in Taiwan Futures Market蔡豐澤,劉心媛,林秋發,Feng-Tse Tsai, Hsin-Yuan Liu, Chiou-Fa Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 38卷1期1982/6/1
快速夾持治具之設計與製作=Design and production of quick gripping fixtures呂理得,莊智鈞,林政賢,Li-Te Lu, Ji-Chun Chuan, Chen-Shien Lin黎明學報 34卷1期1983/3/1
數學學習困難學生與非數學學習困難學生分數數值比較能力之差異與具體-表徵-抽象策略之教學成效=Differences in Comparison Ability on Fraction Magnitude for Students with and without Mathematics Learning Difficulties and Teaching Effectiveness of the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Strategy林秀真,楊憲明,Hsiu-Chen Lin, Hsian-Ming Yang特殊教育學報 58期1986/6/1
以里海思維探討東石鄉觀光遊憩資源發展之研究=A Study on Exploring the Development of Tourism and Recreation Resources in Dongshi Township of Chiayi County via Satoumi Perspectives林子堯,張偉雄,李坤城,張倩華,Tzu-Yao Lin, Wei-Hsiung Chang, Kuen-Chung Lee, Chien-Hua Chang旅遊管理研究 14卷2001/12/1
夜觀賞蛙體驗是否成就遊客的保育態度及行為意圖?=Does nocturnal frog watching experience contribute to tourists' conservation attitudes and responsible environmental intentions?許澤宇,楊惠玲,鄭芷蔚,Che-Yu Hsui, Hui-Ling Yang, Tze-Wei Chiang旅遊管理研究 14卷2001/12/1
提升運動觀光潛力的傳播行銷策略=Communication and Marketing Strategies to Enhance the Potential of Sports Tourism林子堯,張倩華,Tzu-Yao Lin, Chien-Hua Chang旅遊管理研究 14卷2001/12/1
農產品文化創意活動之研究-以高雄市林園洋蔥節為例=A Study on Exploring Cultural and Creative Activities towards Agricultural Products--The Illustration of Linyuan Onion Festival in Kaohsiung City張偉雄,蔡宜伶,蔡明諺,歐靜蓉,Wei-Hsiung Chang, Yi-Ling Tsai, Ming-Yen Tsai, Ching-Jung Ou旅遊管理研究 13卷2001/12/1
旅遊慢哲學:地方依戀的起點與城鄉永續景觀=The Slow Philosophy towards Tourism: The Insightful Perspectives of Place Attachment and Landscape of Sustainable Urban and Rural Areas林子堯,吳連賞,Tzu-Yao Lin, Lien-Shang Wu旅遊管理研究 13卷2001/12/1
台灣民眾的慢食態度與慢食行為之相關性研究=A Study on the Canonical relation of the Slow Food Attitude and Environmental Behavior of Taiwanese于健,何杰霖,歐靜蓉,Chien Yu, Chieh-Lin Ho, Ching-Jung Ou旅遊管理研究 13卷2001/12/1
2-乙氧基苯甲醛缩4-氨基安替比林席夫碱的合成及其荧光性质研究=Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of 2-ethoxy Benzaldehyde 4-amino Antipyrylin Schiff Base刘巧茹,李甜甜,师广岭,曹可生,李伟利,Qiaoru Liu, Tiantian Li, Guangling Shi, Kesheng Cao, Weili Li平頂山學院學報 37卷5期1986/1/1
數學教師專業學習社群領導者的信念和行動之個案研究=A Case Study of the Beliefs and Actions of Mathematics Teachers as Professional Learning Community Leaders林佳蓁,馮莉雅,蘇雅慧,Chia-Jen Lin, Li-Yia Feng, Ya-Hui Su正修通識教育學報 19期2004/6/1
「問想做評」創造思考教學結合「問題導向學習」之教學實踐=Innovative Teaching of Combining “ATDE” Teaching for Creative Thinking and “Problem-Based Learning”林廷華,Ting-Hua Lin正修學報 35期1998/7/1
芳香烴萃取製程產生廢萃取劑之回收再利用=Recycling of the spent extractant generated from the aromatic extraction process李依釗,林文崇,吳叡衡,Yi-Chao Lee, Wen-Churng Lin, Rui-Heng Wu正修學報 35期1998/7/1
心理劇在生命價值澄清運用初探=A Preliminary Study on the Application of Psychodrama in the Clarification of Life Value游金潾,Jin-Lin You通識教育與跨域研究 26期2006/10/1
基於模糊邏輯的增程式混合動力機車能量管理系統=Energy-Management System of Range-Extender Hybrid Motorcycle Based on Fuzzy Logic陳昭雄,姚筌翔,陳鍾賢,林聖哲,林克衛,Chaio-Shiung Chen, Cyuan-Siang Yao, Chung-Hsien Chen, Sheng-Che Lin, Ke-Wei Lin科學與工程技術期刊 19卷2期2005/6/1
多功能車輛監測系統之研究與實作=A Multifunctional Vehicle Monitoring System for Vehicle Safety and Comfort張舜長,林鈺淳,洪宇鋒,李侑錞,李子洧,Shun-Chang Chang, Yu-Chun Lin, Yu-Feng Hong, You-Chun Li, Zi-Wei Li科學與工程技術期刊 19卷2期2005/6/1
馬來西亞三一教發展初探:以巴生港口珠興祠為案例=Preliminary Research of Sanyi Teaching at Malaysia: A Case Study of Choo Hing Tze temple, Port Klang林德順,Tek-Soon Ling文學新鑰 37期2003/7/1
渾沌蒙昧,超越重生──《聊齋誌異》中的「暴死相代」故事新探=Chaos and ignorance, transcending rebirth--A new exploration of the story of “scapegoat for accidental death” in “Liaozhai Zhiyi”林渝詠,Yu-Yong Lin文學新鑰 37期2003/7/1
日治時代臺灣浴佛風俗與相關文藝探究=Customs of “Bathing Buddha Day” in Taiwan during the Japanese Era and Related Literature and Art林仁昱,Jen-Yu Lin文學新鑰 37期2003/7/1
歌仔冊中的市井風俗畫--以《最新廈門市鎮歌》等四部歌仔冊為例=Genre Paintings in Gezi Book: Taking "Zui Xin Xiamen Shi Zhen Ge" and Other Three Gezi Book Albums as examples洪淑苓,Shu-Ling Horng文學新鑰 36期2003/7/1
國中及高中數理資優學生學習投入之縱貫研究=A Longitudinal Study of Learning Engagement of Math and Science Gifted Students in Junior and Senior High School侯雅齡,Ya-Ling Hou特殊教育學報 57期1986/6/1
口吃成人內在與外在非詞複誦表現之比較=The Performances on Non-Word Repetition in Inner and Overt Speech Between Mandarin-Speaking Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutte林雅涵,楊淑蘭,Ia-Han Lin, Shu-Lan Yang特殊教育學報 56期1986/6/1
互動式機器人輔助學習對改善泛自閉症孩童「理解他人意圖」缺陷之效果=Using Assistive Learning with Interactive Robot to Help the Deficit of Understanding Other's Intention for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders涂家齊,林暐昇,王維依,程于芳,Jia-Qi Tu, Wei-Sheng Lin, Wei-Yi Wang, Yu-Fang Cheng特殊教育學報 55期1986/6/1
臺中市境內水域死魚問題之分析=Analysis on The Occurrence of Fish Deaths in Taichung City楊惠玲,吳志超,陳建隆,Hui-Ling Yang, Chih-Chao Wu, Jiann-Long Chen環境與管理研究 24卷2000/6/1
軍艦磁訊跡介紹與探討=Magnetic Signature of Warships林聖義,鄭哲民,盧建仲,葉樹安,胡卓瀚,黃宇川,Sheng-Yi Lin, Che-Min Cheng, Chien-Chung Lu, Shu-An Yeh, Cho-Han Hu, Yu-Chuan Hwang科學與工程技術期刊 19卷1期2005/6/1
局部照明採集方式之照度探討-以LED緊急照明燈為例=Local Lighting Illuminance Measurement Method with LED Emergency Lighting as an Example林璟汶,周中祺,莊景森,張鈞詮,Ching-Wen Lin, Chung-Chyi Chou, Ching-Sen Chuang, Jun-Quan Chang科學與工程技術期刊 19卷1期2005/6/1
身心障礙旅遊者自我效能與旅遊意願關係之研究-以家庭支持為干擾變數=The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Travel Intention of Disabled Tourist: The Moderating Effect of Family Support林英顏,邵慧芳,Yin-Yen Lin, Hui-Fang Shao國立虎尾科技大學學報 37卷1期1982/6/1
蝦苗計數系統=Shrimp Counting System郭秋廷,黃馨盈,王儷陵,柯沛涵,林安懷,Chiou-Ting Guo, Sin-Ying Huang, Li-Ling Wang, Pei-Han Ko, An-Huai Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 37卷1期1982/6/1
《和平的經濟結果》一書中凱因斯對《凡爾賽條約》與和平發展之分析=The Economic Consequences of the Peace and John Maynard Keynes's Analysis on the Treaty of Versailles and Peaceful Development韓保中,賴玟霖,陳奕辰,黃宇訢,Bao-Chung Han, Wen-Ling Lai, Yi-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsin Huang國際與公共事務 15期2015/7/1
自我與他者:倫理起源的探詢=Self and Other: Inquiry into the Origin of Ethics林慧如,Hui-Ju Lin揭諦 43期1997/6/1
日韩“影子教育”治理及对我国“双减”后的启示=Research on Shadow Education Governance in Japan and South Korea and Its Enlightenment to China's Education Development after "Double Reduction"郜岭,罗媛,Ling Gao, Yuan Luo平頂山學院學報 37卷4期1986/1/1
列宁社会主义文化建设思想及其现实意义=Lenin's Thoughts on Socialist Cultural Construction and Their Practical Significance蒋伟琳,刘心怡,Weilin Jiang, Xinyi Liu平頂山學院學報 37卷4期1986/1/1
車上診斷系統(OBD)控制軟體改裝對車輛污染排放影響之研究=Effect of On-Board Diagnostic Control Software Modifications on Vehicle Pollution Emissions林仁勇,林海平,鐘立偉,王家閩,JEN-YUNG LIN, HAI-PING LIN, LIT-WEI CHONG, CHIA-MIN WANG科學與工程技術期刊 18卷2期2005/6/1
教师职业法律素养的现状分析及提升策略=An Analysis of the Current Situation of Teachers' Professional Legal Literacy and Its Promotion Strategies郭晓琳,Xiaolin Guo平頂山學院學報 37卷3期1986/1/1
基于改进ORB算法的特征点匹配=Feature Point Matching Based on Improved ORB Algorithm胡志锋,许钢,陈玲,伏娜娜,Zhifeng Hu, Gang Xu, Ling Chen, Na'na Fu平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
废弃铜尾矿水泥熟料的制备及性能表征=Preparation and Characterization of Cement Clinker from Waste Copper Tailings郑娇玲,季水根,陈子昂,唐士建,倪骏,左婷婷,汪沁馨,Jiaoling Zheng, Shuigen Ji, Ziang Chen, Shijian Tang, Jun Ni, Tingting Zuo, Qinxin Wang平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
抑制动力学荧光法测定食品中草酸的含量=Determination of Oxalic Acid in Food by Inhibitory Kinetic Spectrofluorimetry宋少飞,张庆,周福林,Shaofei Song, Qing Zhang, Fulin Zhou平頂山學院學報 37卷2期1986/1/1
伟大建党精神与中国革命文化=The Great Founding Spirit of the Party and Chinese Revolutionary Culture李元旭,蒋伟琳,Yuanxu Li, Weilin Jiang平頂山學院學報 37卷1期1986/1/1
核心自我评价对手机依赖的影响:无聊倾向、消极应对方式的并列中介作用=On the Influence of Core Self-evaluation on Mobile Phone Dependence:The Juxtaposing Effects of Boredom Tendency and Negative Coping Style刘香华,林若汾,蒲敏,陈金萍,徐含笑,Xianghua Liu, Ruofen Lin, Min Pu, Jinping Chen, Hanxiao Xu平頂山學院學報 36卷6期1986/1/1
「儒道會通」研究進路新探─以《東坡易傳》對《易》之詮釋為例=A New Approach to the Research of "Confucianism and Taoism"--Taking the Interpretation of Yi in Dongpo Yi Zhuan as an example林渝詠,Yuyong Lin文學新鑰 35期2003/7/1
唯識視域下的莊子齊物思想—《齊物論釋》之「喪我」功夫論述=Zhuangzi's Thought on Qiwu in the Discourse of Qiwu: An Exposition of "Loss of Self" in the Discourse on Qiwu林憶玲,Yi-Ling Lin通識教育與跨域研究 25期2006/10/1
寫實射擊遊戲玩家的家庭支持、生活滿意度與憂鬱相關之研究=The Relationship Between Family Support, Life Satisfaction and Depression in Reality Shooting Game Player王子妤,林原賢,Tzu-Yu Wang, Yuan-hsien Lin通識教育與跨域研究 24期2006/10/1
遊戲融入通識教育的課程設計與學習成效=An Exploratory Study of the Learning Outcomes of Integrating Poker Game into the General Education Course林瓊華,Chiung-Hua Lin通識教育與跨域研究 24期2006/10/1
產品結構的設計策略與生態系統創新能力之搭配對組織經營績效之影響=The Effect on Organization Operating Performance of the Collocation of Product Architecture Design Strategies and Ecosystem Innovation Capabilities楊英賢,葉郁筳,蔡進發,林怡君,Ing-Shane Yung, Yu-Ting Yeh, Chin-Fa Tsai, Yi-Jyun Lin管理科學研究 15卷2期2003/12/1
隨時間變動之股價指數期貨避險比率:全球市場之證據=The Investigation in Time Varying Hedging Ratio of Stock Index Futures: Global Markets Evidence廖永熙,林福坤,Yung-Shi Liau, Fu-Kun Lin管理科學研究 15卷1期2003/12/1
探討健康認知、生活型態、飲食行為對購買意願的影響-以健康餐為例=The Study of the Influence of Health Awareness, Lifestyle, and Dietary Behavior on Purchase Intention--A Case Study of Healthy Meal紀信光,戴潔琳,Hsin-Kuang Chi, Jie-Ling Tay管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
生態系統創新能力建構之研究-以電動機車領導廠商Gogoro個案為例=Research on the Construction of Ecosystem Innovation capabilities: The case of Gogoro, a leading manufacturer of electric locomotives楊英賢,林柏年,陳昱安,Ing-Shane Yung, Bo-Nian Lin, Yu-An Chen管理科學研究 14卷2期2003/12/1
休閒農場情境因素與遊客體驗滿意度=Leisure Farm's Situational Factors and Tourists' Satisfaction鍾明志,蔡雅玲,呂育淳,Ming-Zhi Zhong, Ya-Ling Cai,Yu-Chun Lu管理科學研究 14卷1期2003/12/1
生死無盡,不如相伴而化其道-《莊子》對「臨終關懷」思考所開顯的倫理意義=Living towards Death with Accompany: Ethical Significance Presented in Zhuangzi on Thinking of Hospice Care陳康寧,Kang-Lin Tan生死學研究 21期2003/12/1
自我導向學習、NLP技術與場域實踐對學習成效之影響=The Impacts of Self-directed Learning, NLP Technology, and Field Practice on Learning Effectiveness陳淑慧,潘冠呈,黃珮怡,林佳佑,Shu-Hui Chen, Guan-Cheng Pan, Pei-Yi Huang, Jia-You Lin環境與管理研究 23卷2000/6/1
星雲大師「人間音緣」歌詞的文學表現及其效應=The Literary Expression and Effect of the "Sound of the Human World" Lyrics of Master Hsing Yun林仁昱,Jen-Yu Lin文學新鑰 34期2003/7/1
以畫廊產業與藝術家探討在NFT趨勢下的影像藝術革命=Image Revolution - A Study of the Gallery Industry and Artists of NFT Trends羅禾淋,He-Lin Luo南藝學報 24期2010/12/1
在地、跨域、轉化-以藝陣之跨文化劇場實踐為例=Local, Cross-discipline, Transformation--Using Examples from Folk Art Parade (Yi Jhen) of Intercultural Performance Practice趙郁玲,Yu-Ling Chao南藝學報 24期2010/12/1
臺灣廟會活動中南管系統文陣器樂曲曲目探討=The Investigation of the Instrumental Repertoire of Wen-zhen in Nanguan System in Taiwanese Temple Fairs黃玲玉,Lin-Yu Huang南藝學報 24期2010/12/1
臺灣彰化鹿港民俗儀式「送肉粽」之源流與意涵探索=Taiwan's Changhua Lukang Folk ritual Exploring the origin and meaning of "sending off meat dumplings"林政誼,Cheng-Yi Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 36卷4期1982/6/1
大學學院網頁色彩之適配性研究-以台灣的亞洲大學為例=A Study on the Color Adaptability of the University Departmental Web Pages--A Case Study of the Asian University in Taiwan林舜青,陳俊宏,謝省民,Shun-Ching Lin, Jun-Hong Chen, Sheng-Min Hsieh國立虎尾科技大學學報 36卷4期1982/6/1
陽極正梯型流量陰極倒梯型流量(G)MCFC 之h參數對溫度場之影響=The influence of the h parameter in the anode positive trapezoidal flow and cathode inverted trapezoidal flow (G) on the temperature field of a MCFC劉旭昉,陳林宏,袁平,林怡妤,S.F. Liu, C.L. Hung, P. Yuan, Y.Y.Lin黎明學報 32卷1期1983/3/1
單體MCFC之特性參數對A型樣式流場圖之溫度場之影響=The influence of the characteristic parameters of a MCFC unit on the temperature field of the A-type flow field diagram劉旭昉,陳林宏,袁平,林怡妤,S.F. Liu, C.L. Hung, P. Yuan, Y.Y.Lin黎明學報 32卷1期1983/3/1
地方文史踏查與書寫研究:以新泰林走讀為例= A Study on The Practice of Local History and Writing: Taking The Xin Tai Lin As an Example陳惠玲,HuiLing Chen黎明學報 32卷1期1983/3/1
溫度變化對玻璃瓶在高溫加熱後自然變形之影響=The Influences of High Temperature Variation on the Natural Transformation of Glass Bottle呂理得,陳林宏,范雅棻,Li-Te Lu, Lin-Hung Chen, Ya-Fen Fan黎明學報 32卷1期1983/3/1
工務單位常態防疫下運營轉型之探究-以某公立社區醫院為例=The Research on Operational Transformation under Normalized Epidemic Prevention of Public Works Units--Taking a Public Community Hospital for example柯一青,林雨君,Yi-Ching Ko, Yu-Chun Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 36卷3期1982/6/1
SVD壓縮照片技術結合超解析度插值方法的探討=SVD Compression Technique Combined with the Super-Resolution Interpolation Method林春峰,Chun Feng Lin科學與工程技術期刊 18卷1期2005/6/1
生物保全管理系統(BSL-3)之建置:以臨床病理科實驗室為例=Implementation of Biosecurity Management System (Biosafety Level 3): A Case Study of Clinical Pathology Laboratory柯亞先,洪文進,張家菱,湯惠斐,Ya-Hsien Ko, Wen-Jin Huang, Chia-Ling Chang, Hui-Fei Tang元培學報 25期1994/9/1
EFL Learners' Attitudes toward the Use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)=行動科技輔助語言學習(MALL):學習者的態度與看法探討Ming-Yueh Shen, Zhi-Ying Lin, Fang-Yi Lee, Yi-Hsuan Lai, Xuan-Yi Dai, Cai-Wun Su,沈明月,林芝瑩,李芳儀,賴怡瑄,戴瑄儀,蘇采汶國立虎尾科技大學學報 36卷2期1982/6/1
英語數位學習平台之關鍵成功因素-以大專英語教師為例=Key Success Factors in Applying Online English Learning Websites from the View of Successful English Learners林姿吟,林怡倩,黎瓊麗,Tzu-Yin Lin, Yi-Chien Lin, Chiung-Li Li正修通識教育學報 18期2004/6/1
臺灣教育政策與政治關係分析之研究=Analysis of the relationship between Taiwan's education policy and politics黃玉玲,劉鎮寧,Yu-Ling Huang, Jen-Ning Liou正修通識教育學報 18期2004/6/1
立體剪裁技法運用於圓形造型之帽飾創作研究-以劍麻與蕾絲材質為例=Creative Research on the Application of Draping Techniques to the Design of Circular Millineries--Using Sinamay and Lace as Examples申淳霖,洪繪侖,賴文櫻,Tsun-Ling Shen, Hui-Lun Hung, Wen-Ying Lai正修學報 34期1998/7/1
消費者對制度信任、知覺價值、態度、主觀規範對購買意圖的影響─以生產追溯二維條碼(QR CODE)為例=The Effects of Consumers' Institutional Trust, Perceived Value, Attitude and Subjective Norm on Purchase Intention: A Case Study of QR Code for Traceability林謙和,周秀蓉,Chien-Ho Lin, Hsiu-Jung Chou正修學報 34期1998/7/1
氧化鋰鎢薄膜沈積於可撓式基板之電致色變特性研究=Electrochromic Properties of LiWO₃ Thin Film on Flexible Substrate王志明,林鑫志,張瑞洋,Chih-Ming Wang, Sin-Jhih Lin, Jui-Yang Chang正修學報 34期1998/7/1
The Application of the Archetypal Perspective into Six Tales=應用原型理論觀點探討六個故事Yi-Chun Lin,林逸君正修學報 34期1998/7/1
客觀環境知識和漂綠廣告宣告對知覺漂綠與生態印象的交互作用=Is it real green adverting? The interactive effect of objective knowledge of environment and greenwash adverting claim on perceived greenwash and ecological image林靜儀,邱怡熏,周淑芬,Ching-Yi Lin, Yi-Hsun Chiu, Shu-Fen Chou全球商業經營管理學報 13期2009/9/1
中美貿易戰對台灣和中國生技股價影響之比較分析=The Impact Comparison of the U.S.-China Trade War on the Stock Prices between Taiwan's and Chinese Biotechnology Industry蔡璧徽,林柏君,Bi-Huei Tsai,Bo-Jiun Lin全球商業經營管理學報 13期2009/9/1
影像的界限:「frame」與影像之可塑性=Image Limits: The Plasticity Relationship between "Frame" and Image林巧芳,Chiao-Fang Lin南藝學報 23期2010/12/1
星雲大師對太虛法師人間佛教思想的開展—以二者的《金剛經》詮釋為脈絡=Master Xingyun's Development of Master Taixu's Human Buddhism--Take the interpretation of the "Diamond Sutra" of the two as the context陳玫玲,Mei-Ling Chen文學新鑰 33期2003/7/1
星雲大師人間佛教之禪美學=The Zen Aesthetics in Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Humanistic Buddhism林姍廷,Shan-Ting Lin文學新鑰 33期2003/7/1
I HELP校園勞務平台設計與行銷之研究=Research on Design and Marketing of Campus Labor Service Platform樊祖燁,潘博宇,黃瑋婷,林容安,張雅鈞,李唯唯,Tsu-Yeh Fan, Bo-Yu Pan, Wei-Ting Huang, Rong-An Lin, Ya-Chun Chang, Wei-Wei Lee國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷4期1982/6/1
Exploring the Voices of Uber Users in Taiwan=台灣優步使用者對優步的看法Ching-Huang Wang, Yi-Ting Tsai, Ting-Ci Zhuang, Shu-Han Zhang, Yen-Tzu Chou, Chin-Ling Chao,王清煌,蔡宜庭,莊庭慈,張書涵,周晏慈,趙沁駖國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷3期1982/6/1
以結構方程模式探討服務創新與服務品質對顧客價值與顧客滿意度之影響性研究=Study on the Impact of Service Innovation and Service Quality on Customer Value and Customer Satisfaction with Structural Equation Modeling陳孟修,傅莉婷,張民昌,林麗芬,Meng-Shiou Chen, Li-Ting Fu, Min-Chang Chang, Li- Fen Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷3期1982/6/1
自尊对大学生生命意义感的影响:正性情绪的中介作用=The Influence of Self-esteem on College Students' Sense of Meaning in Life: The Intermediary Role of Positive Emotion林良章,杨瑞霞,陈靖怡,陈丽萱,张杨煜,陈津津,Liangzhang Lin, Ruixia Yang, Jingyi Chen, Lixuan Chen, Yangyu Zhang, Jinjin Chen平頂山學院學報 36卷3期1986/1/1
諮商心理師帶領家暴相對人團體之經驗分析=The Analysis of the Counselors' Experience in Leading the Group of the Domestic Violence Respondent陳姵穎,葉琳,張景然,Pie-Ying Chen, Lin Ye, Ching-Jan Chang輔導與諮商學報 43卷1期2005/5/1
頻譜分析應用於噪音源辨識之研究=Research on the application of spectral analysis in noise source identification胡友馨,吳志超,楊惠玲,陳劭瑜,李冠廷,江向才,徐湘文,Yu-Hsin Hu, Chih-Chao Wu, Hui-Ling Yang, Shao-Yu Chen, Guan-Ting Li, Hsiang-Tsai Chiang, Shung-Wen Shu環境與管理研究 22卷2000/6/1
創傷博物館與創傷事件的再現:以嘉義市「陳澄波、二二八文化館」為例=Trauma Museum and the Representation of Traumatic Events--The Study of Chiayi 228 Museum陳丹怡,林詩凱,Tan-I Chen,Shih-Kai Lin通識教育與跨域研究 21期2006/10/1
大學環境教育通識課程之行動學習設計與成果評量—以「環保行動」小組團體報告為例=Action Learning Design and Outcome Assessment for General Education Courses of Environmental Education in University--Take the "Environmental Action" Group Report as an Example 林青蓉,Ching-Rong Lin通識教育與跨域研究 21期2006/10/1
基于VAR模型的融资融券交易对中国股市波动性的影响研究=Research on the Impact of Margin Trading and Short Selling on the Volatility of Chinese Stock Market Based on VAR Model林涛,Tao Lin平頂山學院學報 36卷2期1986/1/1
黄河沿线河南段节点城市的旅游经济空间结构研究=A Study on the Spatial Structure of Tourism Economy of Node Cities along the Yellow River in Henan Province宋冠杰,罗炳玲,Guanjie Song, Bingling Luo平頂山學院學報 36卷2期1986/1/1
金錢態度與校園貸款行為關聯性之研究:以溫州茶山高教園區高校生為例=The Study on Money Attitude and Campus Loan Behavior: Using college students of the Wenzhou Chashan Higher Education Park as an example林怡芯,Yi-Shin Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷2期1982/6/1
對年長者性態度之量表發展=The Attitude toward the Sexuality of Elderly: Scale Development鄭雯璞,洪鈺傑,吳俊逸,杜品秀,林祐歆,Wen-Pu Cheng, Yu-Chieh Hung, Chun-Yi Wu, Pin-Siou Du, Yu-Hsin Lin輔導與諮商學報 42卷2期2005/5/1
以雲端科技為基礎的組織學習模式與學校效能關係之研究=The Relationship between a Cloud Technology-Based Organizational Learning Model and School Effectiveness許晉榮,林朝清,Ching-Jung Hsu, Chao-Ching Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 35卷2期1982/6/1
科學傳播模式與消費行為決策之關聯研究-以油電車主為例=Research on the Relationship between Scientific Communication Mode and Consumer Behavior Decision吳秀珍,許智傑,林春財,劉嘉茹,Hsiu-Chen Wu, Chih-Chieh Hsu, Chun-Tsai Lin, Chia-Ju Liu正修學報 33期1998/7/1
以模擬移動床(SMB)連續純化蕨藻中蕨藻紅素(caulerpin)技術可行性研究=The study of purification the caulerpin from the sea grape (caulerpa) by using the Simulated moving bed (SMB) system賴昱劭,林淑芬,梁克源,黃柏文,張簡國平,Yu-Shao Lai, Su-Fan Lin, Ko-Yuan Liang, Bo-Wun Huang, Guo-Ping Chang-Chien正修學報 33期1998/7/1
墨子的和平戰略與中西重要和平與兵書之比較:兼論台灣可行的兩岸策略=Comparison of Mozi's Peace Strategy and Important Chinese and Western Peace and War Books: Also on Taiwan's Feasible Cross-Strait Strategy林明傑,Min-Chieh Jay Lin國際與公共事務 13期2015/7/1
以Blockly為基礎之視覺化運算思維測驗系統=Visual Computational Thinking Test System Based on Blockly張顧耀,王炫鈞,黃鈴玲,Ku-Yaw Chang, Hsuan-Chun Wang, Lingling Huang科學與工程技術期刊 17卷1期2005/6/1
Knowledge Gap in City-Based Sustainable Development: A Pilot Study of Kaohsiung, Taiwan=城市導向永續發展中的知識鴻溝:高雄市先導型研究Herlin Chien,簡赫琳正修通識教育學報 17期2004/6/1
The Effects of Project-based Tourism English Learning a University of Taiwan=任務導向之觀光英文課程學習成效Yi-Hsuan Lin,林宜瑄正修通識教育學報 17期2004/6/1
熱電材料含任意形狀孔洞之二維熱電彈性問題解析=Two Dimensional Problem of a Thermoelectric Material with an Arbitrarily Shaped Hole沈明河,林宜昇,洪仕育,M. H. Shen, Y. S. Lin, S.Y. Hung南開學報 17卷2期2003/9/1
Empirical Measurement of Marketing Mixes and the Effectiveness of Interest Generation Tools=行銷組合與興趣產生工具有效性的實證衡量Shwn-Meei Lee, Minh Nguyen, Daniel L. Clinciu,李淑美修平學報 39期2000/9/1
Sleep Quality and Mental Health in Elderly People in IndonesiaFerry Fadzlul Rahman, Herni Johan, Kuan-Han Lina健康管理學刊 17卷2期2003/6/1
College Students' Addictive Behavior of Smartphone Use in Daily Life=大學生手機使用成癮行為之研究Chi-Yen Chiu, Yi-Ying Wu, Hsiang-Yi Lin,Yi-Ting Lin, Chein-Ju Hsu, Hui-Ting Chen,邱智仁,吳翊熒,林湘怡,林逸婷,許倩茹,陳惠婷國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷3期1982/6/1
Systematically Establish an Information Processing Mechanism: A Valuable Solution=系統化資訊處理架構:價值解決方案T. K. Chien, H. Y. Lin,簡德金,林后奕國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷3期1982/6/1
A Way to Use a Story When Applying a Literary Theory=故事使用之一方式Yi-Chun Lin,林逸君德明學報 41卷2期1973/5/1
Silesia, the rising szyb of memory and desire--an exploratory research of constructing sense of place on industrial heritage=Silesia,在記憶與慾望的傳動軸承中躍升-一個工業資產建構在地自明性的探索性研究Lin, Chien-Chi,林倩綺環境與藝術學刊 20期2000/6/1
The Factor Structure of Multiple-Choice Items of the English Subtest of the General Scholastic Ability Test=大學學科能力測驗英語科測驗選擇題效度的驗證林文鶯,劉玉玲,游錦雲,Wen-Ying Lin, Yu-Ling Liu, Ching-Yun Yu國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷2期1982/6/1
The Results of Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) on Teachers and Students=師生對於教學評量之有效性評估張又勻,黃淳婷,黃筱君,林之綺,林敬嘉,盧瑀祥,楊士賢, Y. Y. Chang, H. C. Huang, C. T. Huang, C. C. Lin, J. J. Lin, Y. H. Lu, S. X. Yang國立虎尾科技大學學報 34卷1期1982/6/1
Medical College Students' Perceptual Learning Style Preferences on an Adaptive Computer-Assisted English Learning Website=探討適性化電腦輔助英語學習網站與大學生知覺學習型態之關係黃燕鈴,黃珮雯,黃國書,Yan-Ling Hwang, Pei-Wen Huang, Kuo-Shu Huang國立虎尾科技大學學報 33卷4期1982/6/1
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure in Banzixi: A Comparison of English and Taiwanese Culture=豫劇中莎士比亞劇《一報還一報》:英國與臺灣文化之比較吳彥霖,謝菁玉,Clifford Yan-Lin Wu, Shelley Ching-Yu Depner南藝學報 13期2010/12/1
An Alternative Approach of The Distributional Properties and Moments for A Capability Indices CpwHsin-Lin Kuo, Suh-Huey Li管理科學研究 10卷1期2003/12/1
Selection Criteria of Travel Agency and Packaged Honeymoon Tours by Taiwanese Travelers=臺灣旅客選擇旅行社及夏威夷套裝蜜月旅遊之因素吳宗泰,林水松,Chung-Tai Wu, Shui-Sung Lin黎明學報 26卷2期1983/3/1
A Multi-pattern Matching Algorithm Based on WM AlgorithmGenzhen Yu,Qinquan Gao,Fanlin Meng,Changhong Fu,Shunxiang Wu管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
Application of RBF Neural Network Optimized by PSO Algorithm on Condition-based Maintenance of Transmission and Transformation EquipmentsYanbin Li,Kailin Ji,Yan He,Yun Li,Pengyu Zhang管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
Structural Reliability Analysis of Arch Bridges Based on Neural NetworkXiaolin Yu,Quansheng Yan,Bingqiu Li管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
Design of Steel Ball Surface Quality Detection System Based on Machine VisionChao Sun,Jianjing Liu,Delin Luo管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
Improved Ultrasonic Image De-noising AlgorithmLingling Jiang管理科學與統計決策 7卷1期2004/12/1
The Phonetic Representations of Nasality in Taiwanese Words=台語鼻音性的語音表徵林秉宥,Lin,Ping-You明道學術論壇 9卷2期2005/9/1
The Effects of Brain Temperature Changes on Intracranial Pressure, Cerebral Perfusion Pressure and Prognosis After Traumatic Brain Injury=腦創傷後腦溫的變化對於顱內壓腦灌流壓及預後的影響王哲川,林高章,林伯昰,邱仲慶,林淑華,郭進榮, Che-Chuan Wang, Kao-Chang Lin, Bor-Shyh Lin, Chung-Ching Chio, Su-Fau Lin, Jinn-Rung Kuo 南台學報 38卷3期1979/12/1
An Investigation on the Information Transparency and Disclosure in Indonesian Stock Market=印尼股票市場財務資訊透明度之檢核林靖中,陳碧雲,詹司如,Ching-Chung Lin, Mega Okfiyati Lim, Shih-Ju Chan南台學報 38卷4期1979/12/1
The Inquiry into Teachers' Experience from Professional Development and Teaching Innovation to Enhancing Students' Creativity: A Narrative Approach=教師經由專業發展及教學創新提升學生創造力經驗之探究—敘說取向魏延斌,李柏毅,陳煥卿,林信榕,Yan-Bin Wei, Por-I Lee, Huan-Ching Chen, Shinn-Rong Lin彰化師大教育學報 17輯2000/10/1
The Application of Some Fantasy Guidelines to the Reading of Picture Books Containing Fantasies=幻想作品元素在童書的應用林逸君,Yi-chun Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 31卷1期1982/6/1
Comparative Case Study of Malaysia and South Korea Automobile Industry in Competitiveness Analysis=馬來西亞與韓國汽車產業的比較分析:國家競爭力的觀點林春財, Chun-Tsai Lin全球商業經營管理學報 2期2009/9/1
Effect of Nasal Surgery on Sleep Improvement in Patients with Nasal Septum Deviation=手術對鼻中膈彎曲病患睡眠之影響陳靜香,林雅慧,周碧玲,邢鴻君,孫嘉玲,Chin-Hsiang Chen,Ya-Hui Lin,Pi-Ling Chou,Hung-Chung Hsing,Jia-Ling Sun健康管理學刊 11卷2期2003/6/1
The Evaluation of Financial Performance for Non-Profit Proprietary Hospitals in Taiwan=台灣地區財團法人醫院財務報表之評估林進財,譚醒朝,張曉芬,Chin-Tsai Lin, Sing-Chew Tam, Hsiao-Fen Chang健康管理學刊 11卷2期2003/6/1
REVIEW OF THE LEGAL SCHEME AND PRACTICE OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN TAIWANWei-Lin WangNTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management 1卷2期2012/6/1
THE LEGALITY OF LOCAL PATENT WORKING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE TRIPS AGREEMENTChia-Ling LeeNTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management 2卷1期2012/6/1
A Novel Certificate-based Authentication Hybrid Broker Model using Multi-party Key Agreement in Data Grids=運用於資料網格中多方密鑰協議之憑證認證及授權之混合式資源代理模型姜文忠,楊朝棟,林秀霞,Wen-Chung Chiang, Chao-Tung Yang, Hsiu-Hsia Lin修平學報 28期2000/9/1
Chaos Synchronization of Rigid Body Motions=剛體運動系統之渾沌同步陳恒輝,許耿禎,江俊顯,林永隆,Heng-Hui Chen, Geeng-Jen Sheu, Jiunn-Shean Chiang, Yung-Lung Lin修平學報 28期2000/9/1
動詞活用の「辞書形」導入と「ます形」導入の比較研究=從「masu形」與「辭書形」學習動詞活用之比較研究=The comparison between the use of "Polite form" and "Dictionary Form" in introducing the use of verb林盈均,Ying Chun Lin育達人文社會學報 7期2011/4/7
University Learners' Motivation toward Undertaking a Project Work Course=大學生修習專題之動機型態研究林慧瑛,Hui-Ying Lin育達人文社會學報 7期2011/4/7
Enhancement of Capacitor Placement in Distribution Systems Using an Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Method=應用交談式模糊滿足法解決配電系統中電容器容量配置問題簡靖陽,林建宏,陳宏良,廖寶華,Ching-Yang Chien, Chien-hung Lin,Hung-Liang Chen, Pao-Hua Liao 黎明學報 24卷2期1983/3/1
INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS ON SLEEPING POSITIONS OF TAIWANESE=台灣人睡眠姿勢之調查與分析蔡登傳,陳小琳,Dengchuan Cai, Hsiao-Lin Chen科技學刊-人文社會類 22卷2期1992/1/1
The impact of resistance training and protein interventions on age-related sarcopeniaYi-Fang Lee1, Shu-Lin Lee健康與照顧科學學刊 1卷2期2012/2/1
Reduction in Resistance to Self-Service Technology Adoption=降低消費者使用自助式科技服務的抗拒楊英杰,楊菁倩,楊奕源,林修正,Ying-Chieh Yang, Ching-Chien Yang , Yi-Yuan Yang, Shiou - Chen Lin中州管理與人文科學學刊 2卷1期2011/3/1
Order Statistics and Data Augmentation=次序統計量和資料擴增凌嘉華,Chiahua Ling中州管理與人文科學學刊 1卷2期2011/3/1
CROSS-CULTURE COMMUNICATION THROUGH MEDIA=運用媒體之跨文化溝通Thomas Chiang Blair,Jia-Yu Wu,Fang-Suey Lin,Shang-Chia Chiou,王強強, 吳嘉瑜, 林芳穗, 邱上嘉科技學刊-人文社會類 20卷2期1992/1/1
Topical Structure Analysis of the News Leads in the Philippine English and the Taiwanese English=菲律賓英文報紙及台灣英文報紙新聞導言的主題結構分析林秉宥,Lin, Pingyou明道學術論壇 8卷1期2005/9/1
The Application of Information Literacy with Association Rules for a Safe Cyber EnvironmentChia-Chia Lin,Ching-Chen Lin吳鳳學報 20期1993/5/1
Green Consumption Attitudes of the Tourists Lodging in the Resort Hotel--The Case of AlishanChia-Chia Lin, Ying-Shao Lin吳鳳學報 19期1993/5/1
A Discussion of Paradigms and Research MethodsChia-Lin Yen吳鳳學報 19期1993/5/1
Implementation of an Elite Sophomore English Class at a University in Taiwan=大二英文菁英班實施成效之研究吳幸玲,Hsing-Ling Wu修平人文社會學報 21期2001/3/1
The Impact of English Learning Experience, Parental Involvement and Socioeconomic Status Differences on Strategy Use of Vocabulary Learning=英語學習經驗,父母參與及社經地位對於字彙學習策略的影響Ching-Ying Lin, Jin-Wei Ciu,林青穎,邱矜維修平人文社會學報 18期2001/3/1
A Service Quality Diagnosis Model for Supermarkets=建構服務品質診斷模式:以生鮮超市為例林晉照,張燦明,郭再添,Chin-chao Lin,Tsan-ming Chang,Tzay-tein Guo修平學報 25期2000/9/1
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Cellular Networks with Guard Channel Reservation=蜂巢式無線網路的性能分析Ren-Guey Chu,Hung-Liang Chen,Chiz-Chung Cheng,Hung-Wei Lin,朱仁貴,陳宏良,鄭治中,林浤偉黎明學報 23卷1期1983/3/1
Exploring the Relationship between Visitors' Industrial Heritage Perceptive Value and Willingness to Pay--A Case Study of the Sugar Mill Heritages Regeneration Project=探究遊客之支付意願與產業文化資產認知價值之關係-以製糖產業文化資產再生計畫為例顏宏旭,林智惠,Hung-Hsu Yen,Chih-Hui Lin國立虎尾科技大學學報 31卷2期1982/6/1
A Linguistically-Based Word List for Taiwanese EFL Learners=臺灣地區英語文學習者適用之字彙表:依據音節形態及語文知識彙編Tse-Hung Lin,林澤宏蘭陽學報 11期2002/3/1
Postoperative Nerve Injury and Recurrence in Surgical Treatment of Head and Neck SchwannomasSHU-HSIEN CHEN,PEI-YIEN TSAI,YEN-HUI TSAI,CHIH-YING LINAsian Journal of Arts and Sciences 2卷2期2010/6/1
THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT VISUAL PRESENTATION FORMATS IN A MEDICAL DILEMMA SITUATION=不同視覺表現方法對醫療兩難情況的影響林芳穗,李靜穎,曾芷琳,Tom Cassidy,侯承伯,Fang-Suey Lin,Ching-Ying Lee, Chih-Lin Tseng,Chang-Bor Hor科技學刊-人文社會類 19卷1期1992/1/1
A MIXED-MODEL PRODUCTION WAY FOR OPERATIONS ON VEHICLES DISPATCHING=混線生產模式應用於車輛派遣作業之研究Chun-Lin Hsu, 許春霖科技學刊-科技類 16卷4期1992/1/1
EFFECTS OF NON-NEWTONIAN COUPLE STRESSES ON THE STABILITY OF JOURNAL BEARINGS WITH FINITE LENGTHS=非牛頓偶應力效應對於有限長頸軸承穩定性能之影響Jaw-Ren Lin, Rong-Fang Lu, Chin-Yi Chang, Won-Hison Liao,林昭仁,盧榮芳,張志毅,廖文賢科技學刊-科技類 16卷2期1992/1/1
Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia Adaptation on Experimental Heatstroke Rat Model=間歇性低氧適應對於熱中風保護機制之探討Hung-Jung Lin,林宏榮南台學報 37卷1期1979/12/1
Carrier Activation of Sol-gel Derived ZnO: Al Films Using Infrared Heating Method=探討以紅外線加熱溶膠凝膠法製作摻雜鋁氧化鋅薄膜載子之活化效應Keh-Moh Lin, Hsin-Cheng Chen,林克默,陳信誠南台學報 37卷1期1979/12/1
Memory Impairments and Memory Complaints in the Elderly Exposed to Neurotoxin in Taiwan=暴露於神經毒物的台灣老年人其記憶缺失及記憶抱怨的評估Kao-Chang Lin, Huan-Fang Lee, Jinn-Rung Kuo, Jhi-Joung Wang,林高章,李歡芳,郭進榮,王志中南台學報 37卷1期1979/12/1
Options in Collocation Instruction: An Overview of Teaching and Research=詞語搭配教學之選擇:教學與研究之回顧Ai-Ling Wang,Shu-Fen Chang,王藹玲,張淑芬南台學報 36卷2期1979/12/1
Nonlinear Analysis of Value Chain with Chaos Control=涵蓋混沌控制於價值鏈的非線性分析Bao Zuan Niu,Chin E. Lin,Show Ping Gui,牛保庄,林清一,桂壽平南台學報 34卷3期1979/12/1
A Study of DSR Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development in Taiwan=台灣永續發展DSR架構研究HUI-LING TUNG,HSIEN-TANG TSAI,CHIEN-MING LEE,童惠玲,蔡憲唐,李堅明人文暨社會科學期刊 1卷1期2005/6/1
Whole-Brain Paths to Language Learning: An English Instruction Model=英語課程之教與學:全腦聯結模式LI-LING CHUANG,莊琍玲人文暨社會科學期刊 2卷1期2005/6/1
Dynamic Design of Beams Using Soft Tuning=以軟調法做樑之動態設計HAI-PING LIN,林海平科學與工程技術期刊 6卷2期2005/6/1
Optical Properties of Chiral Photonic Crystals Containing Birefringent Microstructural Forms=具形狀雙折射微結構之手徵光子晶體的光學特性JIUN-YEU CHEN,JIA-YI YEH,CHIN-TIEN LIN,MING-YING HSU,陳俊宇,葉佳益,林金田,徐名瑩科學與工程技術期刊 4卷4期2005/6/1
Effects of the Addition of Glutamic Acid and Glucose to Wet Gluten on the Volatile Compounds in Deep-Fried Gluten Balls=添加麩胺酸及葡萄糖於濕麵筋對油炸麵筋球揮發性成分之影響CHI-YUE CHANG,SHIEN-TUNG LIN,SHU-HUA CHIANG,SHIU-YU WANG,TUNG-HSI YU,張基郁,林炫橦,江淑華,王秀育,游銅錫科學與工程技術期刊 3卷3期2005/6/1
Circular and Circle Trapezoid Graphs=圓形梯形圖與循環梯形圖YAW-LING LIN,林耀鈴科學與工程技術期刊 2卷2期2005/6/1
Performance of a Biofilter in MTBE Removal=以生物濾床處理含MTBE廢氣之效率評估CHI-WEN LIN,JIN-HON LI,林啟文,李俊鴻科學與工程技術期刊 2卷2期2005/6/1
Bluetree#: An Extendable Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Using Only Slave/Slave Bridges=Bluetree#:僅用從動橋接裝置之可延展的藍芽散射網路結構CHENG-MIN LIN, JEN-CHENG CHIU, TSU-WEN KO,CHYI-REN DOW,林正敏,邱仁成,柯子文,竇其仁科學與工程技術期刊 2卷3期2005/6/1
A Low Cost SiCN Homojunction for High Temperature Ultraviolet Detecting Applications=研製低成本高溫氮化碳化矽同質接面紫外線光偵測器Tse-Heng Chou, Jin-Shuh Hsieh, Chun-Yu Lin, Chi-Ying Liang, Kok-Wan Tay, R.T.C.,周澤亨,謝金樹,林俊昱,梁志穎,戴國圓,陳榮宗吳鳳學報 18期1993/5/1
Understanding Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs and Their Impact in EFL Language TeachingChia-lin Yen吳鳳學報 18期1993/5/1
Randomized Controlled Trial of the Use of an Educational Cancer Website to Increase Cancer Patient's Participation into a Research StudyMALCOLM KOO, ALISON TUCKER, MICHELLE COTTERCHIO, NANCY KREIGER,JOHN McLAUGHLIN,STEVE GALLINGERAsian Journal of Arts and Sciences 1卷1期2010/6/1
幼兒教師電腦態度量表之發展=The Development of an Investigation Scale to Determine Preschool Teachers' Computer Attitude林建亨,沈妙玲,李淑貞,CHIEN-HENG LIN, MIAU-LIN SHEN, SHU-JEN LEEAsian Journal of Arts and Sciences 1卷1期2010/6/1
The Relationship between Teacher Quality and Teaching Effectiveness Perceived by Students from Industrial Vocational High SchoolsRUILIN LIN, JINGCHEN XIE, YOAU-CHAU JENG,SHIHAN HUANGAsian Journal of Arts and Sciences 1卷2期2010/6/1
On the English Learning with NNS-NNS Pair Work Format in “EZ TALK” ProgramPEI-KUAN LIN,SHAO-YU LEE Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences 1卷2期2010/6/1
Art, Death and the Interpretation of Mortuary Remains=藝術、死亡與關於墓葬遺存之詮釋Katheryn M. Linduff南藝學報 1期(創刊號)2010/12/1
Gait Analysis for Walking Paths Determination and Human Identification=步伐姿態分析運用於人物步行路徑與身分識別Meng-Fen Ho,Chung-Lin Huang,何孟芬,黃仲陵 修平學報 23期2000/9/1
Finite Deformation of 2-D Thin Circular Curved Laminated Beams=二維圓形薄疊層曲樑之有限變形研究Chiu-Wen Lin,林秋文修平學報 22期2000/9/1
Ecological Protests and the Emergence of Environmental Movements in China: A Theoretical Analysis Jean Yen-chun Lin非政府組織學刊 2期2006/7/1
The Study of Preschool Market from the Perspective of Parental Choices: An Example of Yunlin County Tung-Sheng Kuo,Ling-Ling Lin經營管理論叢 4卷1期2005/6/1
Lead Time and Ordering Cost Reductions are Interdependent in Inventory Model with Backorder Price Discount Yu-Jen Lin管理科學研究 4卷1期2003/12/1